Chapter 5

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I woke up on my front porch at first I was confused then everything from last night came back. Benny putting his jersey on me and admitting his feelings and me admitting mine then falling asleep on him. He must of carried me home and left me here. I looked down and saw his jersey laying over top of me like a blanket. Yeah defiantly was him. I walked inside and went to my room. Once I got up there something out my window caught my eye. Benny was shirtless with his jeans hanging loosely over his boxers. I almost fainted at the sight as he was trying to grab something in the top of his closet. I watched as he pulled down a box and opened it up. He pulled out a camera and I smiled. I stopped and went to my drawer grabbing mine. I opened up my window and got my camera prepared.

"Hey Benji!" I yelled. He turned and looked out the window opening it up.

"Smile" I smirked before taking a picture of him in his window. He glared at me and I took the camera away from my face smiling. He brought his camera up and took a picture of me.

"You look hot in my jersey" he said and I smiled.

"Well then I might as well keep it" I said. He smiled and I laughed.

"So what's with the camera?" I asked.

"Just something I had lying around" he said and I nodded.

"I'm gonna bring mine to practice today" I said. He gave me a confused look.

"Sometimes you have to capture the good times before you loose them" I said and he smiled.

"Now if you excuse me I'm going to get ready" I said shutting the curtains. I showered then put on some black shorts with a white muscle tee. I tucked the T into the shorts and put on my black converse then put my hair in a messy bun on top of my head. I grabbed my mitt and my camera and ran out the door and to the sandlot. I saw all the boys sitting in the sandlot and I took a picture. That would be number one.

"What's with the documenting?" Ham asked.

"Yeah yeah why the camera" Yeah Yeah asked. Benny got up and wrapped his arm around my shoulders pulling me into him. I wrapped arms around his torso and smiled.

"Someone amazing once said sometimes you have to capture the good times before you loose them" he said and I blushed.

"Here let me see it!" Yeah yeah said running up to me. I pulled the strap off my neck and handed it to him but still keeping one arm around Benny. Yeah Yeah looked at the camera then looked up at us smirking.

"Smile" he devishly said. I smiled and Benny leaned down and kissed my forehead. I blushed and Yeah Yeah smiled looking at the picture.

"Honestly cute" Squints said and we laughed.

"Okay let's play ball!" I yelled. I saw Mackenzie walking towards us. Yeah Yeah smiled even wider then before and I ran over to her with the camera.

"You mind?" I asked.

"Not at all" she smiled and grabbed it. I walked past Benny who got his bat and was walking to home. I heard Mack snap the camera and I was confused why did she take a picture. I heard the boys laughing and I must of missed something. I shrugged it of and went towards Timmy.

"Hey Jessica" he smiled.

"You literally know you and Phillips are the only people that call me by my full name right?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"Phillips a douche bag and I'm not" he said and I shook my head taking my place on the field.

"Wait a sec Kenny can I pitch this one?" I asked and he nodded throwing me the ball. I went to pitchers mound and smirked at Benny. He got ready and adjusted his hands on the bat.

"So you think you can handle my pitch" I asked.

"Hit me with your best shot sweet heart" he smiled. I looked at him then at the ball I was twisting in my hand.

"Benji?" I asked.

"Yah Jessi" he said.

"Eat this" I said and whipped the ball in his direction. It was my best pitch and I was amazed when he hit it. We watched it hit a girl in the head that was passing by the sandlot.

"Oh my god" he said ripping off his hat. We ran over and he helped the girl up. She was almost as tall as him which meant way taller then me and she had red hair and glowing blue eyes.

"Thank you" she smiled at him. I felt my heart fall to the bottom of my stomach.

"I'm Janice" she smiled pushing her hair behind her ears.

"I'm Benny this is Timmy and Tommy, Squints, Yeah Yeah, Bertram, Kenny, Ham, Smalls, Jess, and Mack" he said. I just smiled and tried to keep my stare off of them being not even a foot apart.

"I-I'm sorry for hitting ya it was an accident" he said blushing a little. Oh my god I'm going to throw up.

"It okay don't worry" she said kissing his cheek. I felt the lump in my throat grow larger within the second.

"I'm glad or I would of never got the chance to meet you" she smiled and he blushed.

"You wanna watch us play?" He asked and she smiled and nodded. She sat in the dug out as I grabbed the bat. I held it so hard my knuckles turned white.

"Batter up!" Ham yelled and Kenny pitched it. I hit it as hard as I could I wanted to cry but I was also furious. I watched as Bertram caught a part? of the ball. We ran over and I literally knocked the guts out of the ball.

"Damn Jessi where did that come from?" Benny asked. Usually my heart would leap but I was still mad.

"Kenny can I just pitch for the day?" I asked and he nodded.

"I guess I'm lucky I brought an extra ball" he said and threw it to me. I went to pitchers mound once more and got ready. Benny came back up since technically that hit was a foul. I could tell he was upset I didn't answer him but it's his own damn fault to lead me on then watch him swoon over another girl right in front of me. I moved my feet and with all my force threw the ball. Benny missed it on purpose, I could tell and Ham caught it falling to his butt. No wonder he missed it on purpose it would of cracked the bat. After he hit my next one and of course got a home run. Benny kept looking at me but I avoided eye contact. We finished the game and Mack got the pictures.

"Your coming to my house" I said grabbing her arm and walking away. We got to my house and went up to my room.

"How could he!" I yelled.

"I know!" Mack yelled after me.

"What a jerk!" I yelled again.

"Such a jerk!" She yelled after me. I turned and faced her.

"You have no idea do you?" I asked and she sat on my bed.

"Nope" she said shaking her head. I chuckled and sat next to her.

"He told me he liked me last night, and then today I watched him get all flustered with that girl it was like right in front of me. I mean if he can move on that fast then how could he like me so much" I said the last part sarcastically.

"Just let's look at the pictures and get your mind off things" she said and I nodded. We spread them out over the bed and I smiled at the one of me and Benny that Yeah Yeah took. I grabbed that one and the one of the boys I took when I got there and put them on my wall. Mack smirked at me and I shook my head. I saw one which must of been me walking by Benny and he is pretending to hit me in the butt with his bat. I turned a deep shade of red and groaned. The next was me pitching a ball to Benny and then me hitting and pitching. There also was a picture of the ball I knocked the guts out of. I smiled then pulled a scrap book out of under my bed.

"This is only the beginning"

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