how do i go about this? pt.1

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Location: the dock of the lagoon

Time line: keith and edith are getting used to their new home, peter is being tortured still. Barracoota doesnt understand his feelings for the vampire so hes talking with his sister, sister in law and bella as they prepare the ship.

Time: 5:30pm sunset

The sky soaked in warm fading tones, reds and yellows filling it as the sun binded through the light passing clouds,  the colours perfectly reflecting from the water, lightly up the lagoon beautifully. Three girls helping move crates onto the scorchers deck, stocking the storage ready for the next sail. After carrying the few wooden boxes down into the storage of the vessel, they all sat on the opposite side of the dock, their legs dangling off the side, the trio passing around a packet of their favourite juicy pork jerky that they often bought in bulk for their travels. They sat for a while, admiring the gorgous view, bella innocently kicking her legs in enjoyment. The sweet silence being broken by the spash of something breaching the surface of the water beside pandora, they all turned their head to reckognise it was only barracoota. They reverted back to watching the sunseting display, barra pulling himself up to sit beside the ginger, his tail and fins shifting back into his muscly legs as he sumped onto his back looking up at the slowly appearing stars with a heavy sigh.

"Whats up with you mr vampire simp." Pandora asked leaning over to hover into his vision. Barra gave another dramatic sigh, turning his head to see the other two pairs of eyes also looking at him waiting, bouncing his gaze between them and the crimson curled woman infront of him.

"I dont know, i dont know because ive never felt this feeling towards anyone.. and i dont understand." She finally said, his hands sliding up to cup his face, pandora turned to look at the pair of lesbians behind her, they all gave a little giggle. Then turning back to let him continue.

"And im a siren. Im not used to feeling something when i tease or when i flirt. When i do it feels like, special? And different?" He continued, moving his hands down onto his chest, meeting a peice of jerky bing shoved into his mouth.

" barra, buddy, thats called love." Bella spoke in her sweetly delicate voice.

"Yea, and its pretty normal, it just means you feel connected with the person, or vampire in your case." Pandora agreed, continuing the conversation.

"I dont know.... how do i get rid of it? I cant 'love' him..." she started, going off into mumbles, deeper inside his own mind of doubt.

"Barracoota, listen." Pandora demanded, gently slapping him on the leg. "Its normal, your sister went thtough the same questioning faze when she felt feelings for me." Pandora added. Hydra giving a shrug and a nod.

"Thats true, i did, i fell pretty hard, i had no clue how love felt. I was really confused but, like i learnt we, sirens only get the feels when we find a person that fits us." Hydra agreed and attempted to explain.
"We fall in love wheb we find the right person basically, and its really hard to break feeling especially cause our power is love fueled, its best to sorta embrace it, why are yoi so worried its him." She asked.

Barra gave a sigh, shaking his head gently, pandora now laying back with him admiring the solar view.
" i dont know guys, hes just....hes to straight to even take a liking to me, and hes too strict to be not straight." He explained. The girls all exchanged looks before turning back to the heartburnt man.

"Well, your right, he does seem like the type to never think a gay thought, or at least claim to never have had, but maybe its just what hes been used to. I mean he is like ancient and back then he was brought up being gay wasnt a choice especially on the surface living amongst humans and their bullshit. Maybe hes scared to express that sort of thing with a man, maybe you or we need to help him see being queer is alright." Bella added to the conversation gaining nods from the other two, barra just listening.

"Maybe your right, maybe he is just afraid, maybe i need him see its okay..." he agreed.

"Uhm, she said we. We'll also help him seeing all three of us are gay for women." Hydra corrected the others giggling even bara laughing.

Bella and hydra layed back aswell watching the black, stary blanket above them.

Pandora then turning to bella. "And you, dont you forget you need to tell that spicey little witch aswell." She said, the short blondes eyes widening and her face going red, her hands quickly covering her face. Barra and hydras expression looking shocked at the little innocent girl laying by him.

"Yea dont think i havent been seeing the way youve been eyeballing her, and the way you talk about her whenever you get the chance." She continued, barra and hydra both sitting up with wide 'holy shit' grins.

"I DO NOT!" she squealed, shaking her covered face.

"Oh how i imagine the things you do to her in that nasty mind of yours." Pandora continued to bait, the blonde only turning brighter red, the pair of sirens giggling.

"SHUT UPP!!" bella yelled, rolling herself onto her stomach on the wood dock, still covering her face.

"Mhm, okay okay, as long as i get to see you confess." The ginger ahrugged turning back to the sky, the other pair slumping back down onto the wood, and bella soon rolling back over, her face still slightly pink. They stared at the stars before pandora spoke again.

"Oh, i love you guys" she announced, the other three returning the feelings.
"Awww, i love you too panda!" Bella yelped, wide sweet eyes look up at hers.
"Yea i love you too, sis" barra replied, their heads then turning to hear what hydra had to say.
"I guess, i love you aswell." She adventually returned, receiving smiles.

They all reverted back to star gazing, hydra giving a side grin, her pointed ear gently twitching her right ear.
At the stairs on the opposite side of the dock towards the new building stood a pair of tall pale, red eyed vampires, both frozen at the steps, the both of them having a mix of emotions in their expressions. Edith had finally been able to drag her drunk brother out to have a walk with her as the sunset and get out of the house, but their walk had been cut short when they had heard the conversation they were defenantly not supposed to hear, they both looked at eachother awkwardly, as if asking what to do.

                       To be continued                 

Writer note/message: this will have a part 2, 3 and possibly 4

Writers note to pierce: as proof you actually read it heres a reward.


<3 all love to pierce

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