how do i go about this? pt.3

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Location: keith and ediths new tower, built to the side of a clift, slightly further away from the girls cabins.

Time: same as last.

Barra slowly made his way through the sand of the beach, stumbling occasionally, his mind full of nothing but fog as he approached the tower. Soon making it to the wood door, practically ramming his body to open it,  slamming it behind him as he used the inner collum and walls to climb the stairs, taking a while to get to the top, pushing open a door on his left. His entry being dramatic as he collapsed onto the ground, rolling onto his back at the door. The shorter drunken man sitting across the room on a rocking chair infronr of the arch window overlooking the bay.

The sad looking male staring at the large tattooed siren laying on the floor, memory of his un intentional confession. His face boiling a red as he swigged the remaining quarter of a bottle of whiskey, slamming it down again before talking. The drunk sealover climbing to his feet with the help of the wall.

"Why are you here?" He grumbled, receiving a drunk chuckle.

"I-[hick] wanted to see you....[Hick] is that bad?" He replied, keith rolling his eyes at the words.

"Cant you just fuck off and leave me alone? I dont have time for your crap." He snapped, picking up another bottle of whiskey from beside his chair, barras expression changing to a rather hurt and stunned look before masking it with sarcasm.

"Why what else do you have to do?" He asked walking towards the man gently rocking in his chair, spotting the 5 odd big whiskey bottles laid around his seat one more shattered on the ground infront of him and another semi full one in his hand. The pale mans eyes fixed out the window.

"Just fuck off. You're pissing me off, go annoy some other faggot like yourself instead of irritating me with your bullshit." Keith snapped again, this time actually cutting deeper at the hypothetical gash in barras chest, the tall mans hurt expression reflecting onto the glass infront of him.

"Whats your fucking problem?" He asked in a slightly irritated tone, different to any tone he had displayed before.

"You wouldnt understand. Just leave me alone." He said before taking another long sculling swig of the bottle, barra stepping around to the mans side.

"I might....i might be able to help, if you wanna-" he replied only being stopped by an enraged slamming of another empty bottle on the floor, this one shattering, glass scattering everywhere.

"SHUT UP. SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU WOULDNT. YOU WOULDNT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING. NOT EVERYONES LIFE IS PERFECT AND FULL OF LOVE AND PEACE. YOU WPULDNT UNDERSTAND." the short vampire hissed, arising wobbly from the chair, baring his fangs out of his rage, eyes now brighter red glaring up at the beast.

Barras face changed from the previous expression to an equally almost more enraged and disgusted scowl and glare, not believing the words out of the mans mouth. Keith growing cautious as he watched the face change before hearing his voice even deeper and full of growl then previously.

"YOU THINK MY LIFES FUCKING PERFECT? MY LIFES NEVER BEEN CLOSE TO FUCKING PERFECT. I WAS TRYING TO HELP YOU DIDNT NEED TO BE SUCH A SELFISH PRICK. IVE FINALLY BEEN ABLE TO FEEL LOVE AND PEACE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE, SO DONT YOU DARE PULL THAT SHIT." he snarled his body crouching over, face to face with the vampire, his teeth bared to match his narrowing pupils, keith stunned and surprised at the sudden change of tone, stepping back slightly with a stumble. The man unsure with what to do, barracootas face softeningsliggtly as he pulled away back to his nprmal hight, rubbing his face and eyes.

" my lord, you really got me yelling..." he mumbled to himself.

"Im sorry..." keith stuttered "im just confused....i heard what you said accident.." he explained to his own surprise. Barras face turning red as he moved his hand, keith matcbing the shade himself.

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