how do i go about this? pt.2

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Location: bellas cabine located near pandoras main cabine.

Information: keith and edith over heard the conversation, edith told keith she was going to go think. Bella is heading home for the night.

Time: 11:00pm

The night had reached its peek, the moon high in the sky accompanied by the many bright stars, the group of water-lovers had stayed out after their conversation, they had cracked open a keg of rum, sharing the liquid around. They all drunk until bella and hydra could barely walk straight or talk without laughing, pandora soon had decided that it was bedtime for the pair of them. Pandora assisted her girlfriend back to their cabine while barracoota had to carry bella to her cabin poarch, marching up to the tops step before gently putting her on her trembly feet as per her constant requests and demands.
"Alright, Alright, now you get in for a shower to try and sober up alright? Then you go to bed." Barra instructed her as she wobbled towards the door.

"Mhmm, mhm, got it now piss off, you. Piss off." She mumbled back to him in her drunken tone, unlocking her door before practically falling through hearing the man behind him.
"Okay, goodnight you too, im going." He said as he marched back down the stairs. Bella limped through the door closing it behind her, her canine companion already at her legs, their tail wagging, tongues sticking out all three of their heads. The blonde leaned down patting them all before continuing towards her room, climbing through the house with the walls support.

She soon got thrpugh her room, fighting the strong erge to tumble onto the bed and go to sleep, but she continued past into the bathroom, quickly stipping off her clothes, stumbling into the shower, cranking the water on and sliding into the tiled floor. The door open, the three headed puppy beginning to bark, the drunken mermaid drowning the noise out with the help of the water. Her foggy thoughts soon softening, as she arose off the ground, turning the pressure off as she weally stepped out of the shower onto the small mat.

She mindlessly wandered out, digging into a chest of old draws, pulling out a shirt and a pair of shorts, climbing straight into them. Falling onto her back on the beds, exhaling a loud sigh, she laid staring up at the ceiling, until she heard the puppies bark again, followed by the scraping squeek of her kitchen chairs being dragged. Bella processed for a moment before she quickly sat up, staring out her room door, un able to see anything.

She quickly arose to her feet, grasping onto the bedside table, grabbing a small dagger pandora had given her. She crept towards the door, past into the hallway, cautiously peering around the corner into the kitchen, seeing nobody, just the cerberus hound laying happily on the floor looking back at her. She un tensed her body seeing noone was pressent, feeling kinda foolish. She turned to enter her room again, a surprised and shocked gasp excaping as she met ediths face,staring centimeters away from bellas face, her face turning pink.

" long have you been here..?" She asked cautiously, the brunnette steping closer, backing bella onto the wall, her hands not hesitating as she slipped the knife out of the blondes hand. She brought it up between their faces, rotating it before backing off and walking into the bedroom, placing the daggar back almost directly in its before spot. The blonde silently following.
"So, i heard you had something to tell me?" She started, stepping back towards the stunted now red faced blonde, gently pushing her onto the bed, she struggled before sitting back up.
"What-?" She stuttered, edith stood infront of her with her arms crossed.

"Bella, its alright, ive been suspicious for a while now... i just know now i was right.." she added, the blonde cupped her face mumbling and stuttering things to herself. The vampire giggled, finally deciding to sit beside the tomato red mermaid, gently sitting her hand on her thigh. Bella continued to spiral until she realised the hand placement, she then shut up, looking back up at the face.

The blondes expression slowly avolving, her eyes wandering the figure infront of her, slowly clouding with desire. Edith catching on, her hand sliding to her inner thigh, almost instantly being snatched by bellas hands, the blond snatching the partner to the hand, using it to push the vampire onto her back, a wide eye shocked look peering back up at her.

"Are you okay if we..." she  started, before she changed her aproach "would you like it if i ate you out?" Edith laid stunned by the words, she took a moment to process.

"That was a change of attitude, i like it. Good girl." She praised finally finding her words before she could do anything  bella licked the brunnettes lips, the strange monster like nubs surprising her as she loosened her jaw allowing access, the tongue slipping in straight away as they collected lips. Edith eventually giving in to the kiss, bellas hands traveling, one gliding to her waist the other slipping itself up from her thigh under her skirt.

Bella pulled back from the kiss, checking if it were okay. Edith gave a gasp and pant as she stared up at the curious beast. She gave a grin and a gentle nod before bella continued engaging another kiss as her hand slipped through under her undergarment, quickly meeting a damp patch of skin between her flaps, her fingers rubbing her clit for a brief moment while feeling around her entrance. Bella pulled away again , shifting her body as she crawled back edith exhaling in deep huffs, foggily watching as bella made her way down, ducking under her dress, gently pulling her underwear off.

She was quick to start, licking her pussy, using the lumps of her tongue to fiddle with her clit. Low gasps and small muffled moans starting, her hands gripping the sheets. Bella soon finding the confidence, her long thick tongue gently and slowly entering her entrance, more whimpers coming from above the nubs fueling her with strange sensation, burrowing her tongue deeper, licking her pussy walls. Injoying the sounds and twitches coming from the body.

Edith throwing her head back at the tingling knot forming in her stomach. The moans and whimpers growing louder. Bella changed her pattern, the brunnette starting to jolt to the sensation, gripping to the beds until a very distinct scream.
"BELLA." She snapped throwing her head back, the blonde alreadu knew what was happening as the inner walls started to pulsate until she felt a warm liquid on her tongue, the body untensing at the knot came undone. She backed off, sticky thick liquid with a strange taste entering her mouth, bella crawled up beside the satisfied vampire.

"Fucking amazing..." edith mumbled "do you mind if i stay the night...?" She asked.

"Of course." She replied rolling back over, laying her head on the brunnettes chest as she stared up at her with loving eyes.

Sorry if its rushed, on a tight schedule.

And as for my favourite twink, piercey heres your award.



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