chapter 21

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Au's pov-

A waiter server red wine to demon's king who took it then roll the glass before taking a sip as the waiter leave from there.

Siren king move his hand towards the mirror where water rise up to show the room where y/n was sleeping.

" I almost lost my patience when that girl point at her!", elves king spoke as he looks at the moon from the window.

"What's happening there with her?", middle king asked.

Demon king smirk as he look up at the werewolf king who rise his eyebrows.

"Having fun with my pets!", he responded.

"I love when your ghost roam their ice cold hand inside anyone's body!", angel king smirk.

A groan came from the mirror as y/n turn on her bed to reveal her shoulder skin and the gown ride down her arms.Siren graze at her neck while vampire king bite his lips.

"Tomorrow morning, she will be starting with her first cooking day!", werewolf king spoke as he drink his green liquid.

"Who will try first?", mermaid king asked as he lean back on the couch.

"She wasn't happy with her team so i thought to help her get a job in the palace!", werewolf king spoke.

"She won't take it!", demon king response.

Other look at him with confusion about why would he say that easily.

"Why?", angel king asked.

"She isn't working here to get a job, her motivation is something else which we couldn't ping out!", he replied.

"Indeed he is right! Why don't you find a way to call her alone to try her food or something?", vampire king look at werewolf king who frown.

"That can be done but I'm worried that someone is keeping eye on us and getting near her came be suspicious", he sigh then lay his legs on the table.

"That boy and girl also said that he is coming then that guard who tried to follow her!", siren king spoke.

"We need to get this done soon before the moon night cause if he coming then he would be planning on moon night where we would be with our mate!", mermaid king says.

"If she is our mate then our guts feeling are turn and this time he won't stop with a bullet shot..", demon king's eyes turn deep black as he remembers the time back.

"Then we will take tomorrow as a fresh start! Hope she is the one cause I would hate to break a girl like her!", werewolf king smirk.

Y/n's pov-

I hide my face in the blanket as i hear some noise coming from the room door opening.

"Y/n wake up... Y/n..", mina call making me groan then slowly open one of my eye to look at her bridging her hair.

She made eyes contact with me from the mirror then smile as i sat up and rub my hair.

"Oh you look like you hadn't have a good rest whole night!", she tease as i rub the under-eye part then yawn.

Who is going to tell her that's true cause whole night i was having nightmares and keep waking up after few hour, sensing as if someone was looking at me.

I move the cover then wear the slipper before going towards the bench to pick up the blue gown then go to get fresh.

I move the cover then wear the slipper before going towards the bench to pick up the blue gown then go to get fresh

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After doing my morning routine and coming back to see mina having small breakfast. I walk there and seat infront to take a piece of strawberry then eat as a sigh leave from my mouth.

"Should we tied your hair today or let it lose?", she asked as i stuff more black beans in my mouth.

I shrugged my shoulder as i smile at her pouting face. She pull my nose then eat her food.

A knock came on the door as i eat the last piece of strawberry then look at mina who walk there to open it to see lee standing there with matching black suit as her black gown.

"Why are both black and I'm blue?" I murmured while lee chuckle.

"Cause you are lead and we are team! Now why aren't you hair done yet?", lee rise his eyebrows then look at mina who clingy to his arm.

"She doesn't tell me what to do?", she whine as lee smile down at her.

"Let them down cause your highness have personally call miss y/n to help him server his morning honey tea and special breakfast", he respond make me look at him shocked.

"Oh then we need to hurry cause he is time expert!", mina rush to get a brush then slowly move it on my hair to remove the knots.

She pull a few time making me hiss but then finally made a small bun in the upper part and let others down on my back.

Lee grin as he blow a kiss to his wife then gave me thumbs up while looking at my hair.

"I'm imagining my small girl giggling while my sweet wife make her hair!", he chuckled as mina turn red.

I smile then stood up to move the plate on the tray while drinking the water before mina pull me out of the room.

"And i can hear my slap ringing on your cheeks to wake you from your dreams!", mina loudly says as lee laugh behind us.

We walk back to the main living area where we found jisoo talking with a old man who bow before her. She turn to look at us with a grin.

"Finally our royal team members are here! Good morning to all of you!", she greet as we bow.

" Miss y/n meet out lead butler who will assist you to the kitchen where you will be notified what to start with and he will also help to get everything needed!", she guesture towards him.

He bow before me making me bow back. I saw his eyes wide from the guesture but then jisoo stole our attention back to her.

"King have requested a small tea with health breakfast in his library so i would suggest for you to get going!", she smile i gave a nod in confirmation.

"Have a great day miss y/n and you too miss mina and mr.lee!", jisoo says as we wish her back.

We walk behind him as he take us to the other side of the stairs going to the deep part of right then turn to the a left direction where he push open a double door to enter inside a large kitchen area.

"This is where you will be working miss y/n!", he spoke as i look around.

"All the ingredients have been loaded and if you need then call my name i will comeback!", he spoke as i bow towards him.

He smile then leave us alone in the largest kitchen area where everything was set at it's good place.

"Wow this is amazing...", mina whisper as she looks at the window to see the garden outside.

"This is dream for me to come here and work for king", lee look out.

"Come on guys, we have to get the king his breakfast before he come here to eat us..", i tease as lee rush with a smile on his face.

I wore the apron kept near the wall then turn to look at mina who walk near the counter to look at the fruits and vegetables.

"What are we making?", she asked.

"Something healthy...", i responded.


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