chapter 40

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Taehyung's pov-

My eyes move towards where i heard my mate scream and a loud splash sound caught my attention towards the water lake.

Yelling as i tear through the body of this moron slayer who were coming in my way to rush near the water then jump in without a single thought.

Opening my eyes again after changing into my siren royal blue form to rise up on the surface and look around at the peaceful ocean waves slawing forward.

"Fucking kang jin mook!", i grit my teeth rolling my fingers around the water to feel her emotions but nothing happened.

A loud splash sound made me turn to look at jungkook was rushing towards me with his blue tail swinging around him. His skin shine in the water making him look authentic.

"Hyung... Where is she?", he yell looking around then stop as i made a fist and growl loudly.

"That kang jin mook have the guts to touch her and even open a portal in our world!", i scream tracing around look at the sky.

"Oh god! She might not be able to breathe till we mate her", jungkook remind causing me to hiss again.

"Slayer showing yourselves..", i ordered in my real siren king's voice.

The peaceful ocean waves slawing forward stop and turn to circle around us.  Jungkook move back to whistle loudly calling his mermaid and fishes.

My body rode up as i watch my slave coming up on the water surface. Shroffing at the way their face turn black with the water toxicity drop the shades and sky made the loudest thunder.

"Live long king..", all their voice came together in greetings.

Any other time i would have enjoyed but not this one. My mate is somewhere deep inside the water without a single track and have less amount of time before that fucking loser hurt her.

More whistle blow around the others side where thousands of mermaids and merman came together to bow infront of us.

"King you are back?", one came forward to look at jungkook who had his forehead gray.

"I don't have time for this!!", he rod making them shiver.

"King we are here to serve you, please lead your command ", my slave says look at me.

"kang jin mook have secretly open this portal directly from the palace lake yet nobody was knowing about it!", i scream making them look down.

"He open a portal how?", a girl asked.

"Shouldn't you all know about that? How were guarding the ocean if you can notice a big fucking portal", jungkook yell glaring at them.

They head didn't even rise again to look at us or even not a person step forward to speak the truth.

"This the last warning for you who have betrayed us! Come forward before we found you", i yell looking around them.

"Come fast! We don't have time", Jungkook says eyes them carefully.

I use my siren king power to reader my slavery mind to see anyone can be suspicious but not a single one have any idea about it. My eyes turn back to the side where all mermaid move back in fear.

"My mate is somewhere here cause one of you decide to help that hybrid!", i spoke in my siren voice.

Jungkook move closer towards them to look at each person standing there but then my eyes switch towards the left where i caught a glimpse of a girl throwing something.

"Jungkook...", i whisper making him turn to me then follow my direction towards the girl who's eyes widen with a pair of old couple moving near her.

He move forward towards them but the couple came in between him and shed the girl who hide her face.

"Move!", i command but they didn't make a move.

'bad mistake', i thought smirking at jungkook growling in front of them.

Snapping my fingers to cause the water around the girl roll in a small whirling pool make them hold her securing but then slowly i swim there to get the shining shell.

The white shell have turn black when it came in my hand making me hiss in anger. Jungkook who was beside me push the couple away from the way then grip her arm to make her face me.

"You shouldn't throw away the gift after using them Kim so-yeon", Jungkook murmured holding her tightly.

She whimper as her hand turn blue then black nerve came over her neck. I rise my hand up in the air to get my trident magically appear and point it's tip near her neck.

The couple shaking their head, joining their hand together infront jungkook who stare at them with his jaw clinched.

"Please king, let her go", women, i assumed her mother says while tearing up.

"Let her go? Did you not see what she did right infront of your own kind?", he asked while holding her to the side.

"Please king believe her! She is so amazed by you then how could she even think or do this?", he asked looking at me.

I title my head then roll my trident before hitting it directly in the magic shell which break into two and made the girl scream on top of her lungs.

Jk let her go making her father to rush to hold his daughter but stop when his wife held his wrist. Her mother eye's change seeing her daughter glow black while some of our slave and members gasp loudly.

We turn to look at our back where the portal door was now closed and all the guards gone to the palace were lock there most likely dead.

"This bitch want to hurt our queen?", one of the mermaid scream point at her who shake her head.

"Why would you do that?", her mother asked slowly.

"Honey she didn't...", her father was cut of my jungkook who glare at him.

"Is you can't kill her yourself then let me do the honour", he spoke causing them to get shocked.

The girl rush to hold his hand with tears run down her cheeks, dropping in the water and turning into white pearls.

"Never, i don't want to hurt her jungkook..." She whisper but her father yank her back to slap her hard.

"How dare you call your king by his name?", he yell making her glare at him.

"I have the right to call him! Me who love him and unlike his mate who was getting in the way! She will die! kang jin mook will make sure to kill her for me!", she accepted and broke our limits of stopping from hurting her.

Jungkook glow bright while his hand made a long silver sword appear which he turn and hit directly in her stomach making her yell and scream in pain.

I swim near her to insert my trident in her arms drawing more blood out and having her whimper looking at her parents for help.

"They won't help! Now tell me before dieing, where is our mate?", i ask in a whisper making her look at me tearful.

"Your mate?", she ask confused.

"Yes our mate! All seven king's mate who you try to hurt and i will make sure that your family pay for this...", i stop as she grip my arms.

"Leave my parents alone.. t-they have nothing to do with this...", i smirk yanking her hand of and digging my trident into her chest.

"Faster..", i said watching her breathe heavily.

"He took her there with his royal members....he plan to try something on her before killing her... i-i don't know what..", she responds but my patience was wearing off.

"Where is she...", i ask strictly.

"She is......", she lead me the name making me pull out my trident back and move to the side letting jungkook tear her body into pieces then push it toward my slaver who eat everything off.

My eyes move on the couple who was held by the mermaid members,face sad looking at the way their daughter was getting killed.

"Never go against our kind! Even if it is for your mate or queen!", i spoke making them look at me then bow together.


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