Chapter 5

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Reena stood in the grand ballroom of the Bairya mansion, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she fiddled with the soundboard. The early morning sun peeked through the ornately patterned drapes, casting long shadows across the polished marble floor. But the tranquility of the sunrise was shattered by the pulsating beat of thumping techno music.

The volume was cranked up to an ear-splitting level, the bass vibrating through the floorboards, threatening to rattle the crystal chandeliers overhead. This, Reena thought with a satisfied smile, was payback for the previous day's humiliation.

Rajveer Bairya, notorious for his rigid schedule and early mornings, was no doubt being jolted awake in the most unpleasant way possible. It was a petty move, she knew, but after the pool incident, a small part of her craved a taste of sweet, albeit immature, revenge.

As the music continued to blare, Reena imagined Rajveer throwing off his silk sheets, his face contorted in a picture of fury. Perhaps he'd storm down to the ballroom, demanding to know who dared to disrupt his precious morning routine.

Just as she was picturing his disgruntled face, a booming voice echoed through the vast hall.

"Reena Desai! What in the world do you think you're doing?"

Reena whirled around, surprised to see not Rajveer, but Manveer, standing at the entrance. Unlike his usual relaxed demeanor, his brow was furrowed in confusion, earplugs partially blocking the assault on his senses.

Reena's carefully constructed fantasy of Rajveer's outrage crumbled around her like a sandcastle in a storm. Disappointment tinged with a touch of guilt washed over her. Manveer, her unexpected ally, was the one bearing the brunt of her revenge plan.

"Mr. Bairya," she stammered, rushing over to turn down the volume, the sudden silence feeling deafening after the onslaught of techno. "I... I was just testing the sound system."

Manveer, thankfully, seemed more bemused than angry. He plucked the earplugs out of his ears and rubbed his eyes wearily.

"Testing the sound system at seven in the morning?" he questioned, a hint of amusement creeping into his voice. "Couldn't you have found a more... considerate time?"

Reena flushed. "I... I apologize, Mr. Bairya," she mumbled, her voice barely above a whisper. "It completely slipped my mind about the time. I won't do it again."

Manveer sighed good-naturedly. "Don't worry about it," he said, waving a dismissive hand. "Just try to keep the heavy bass to a minimum, alright? Rajveer wouldn't be too happy about complaints from the neighbors."

The mention of Rajveer sent a jolt through Reena. The image of him fuming in his room evaporated, replaced by a picture of him blissfully unaware, enjoying the peaceful slumber Reena had so rudely interrupted. A new wave of frustration bubbled within her.

"Actually," she blurted out before she could stop herself, "where is Mr. Bairya anyway? Shouldn't he be here, overseeing the preparations for the event?"

Manveer shrugged. "Rajveer? He's probably still asleep. He's not usually one for early mornings unless there's a major crisis."

Reena's heart sank. So much for her elaborate plan of disrupting his precious morning routine. It turned out Rajveer was completely oblivious to her juvenile act of revenge. Disappointment gnawed at her, leaving a bitter taste in her mouth.

Manveer, sensing her deflation, offered a sympathetic smile. "Look, Reena," he said, his voice gentle, "I know Rajveer can be... difficult at times. But trust me, he does care about this project. He might not express it in the most conventional way, but he wants this launch party to be a success."

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