Chapter 14

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The twilight sky mirrored the emotions swirling within Reena. The vibrant hues of the day had given way to a canvas of soft purples and deep blues, reflecting the bittersweet sentiment of a successful event drawing to a close. The festive atmosphere had begun to dissipate, replaced by a gentle hum as guests reluctantly said their goodbyes.

Reena stood near the mansion's grand entrance, a warm smile gracing her features as she shook hands with departing individuals. A sense of accomplishment filled her, intertwined with a pang of sadness. Months of tireless planning had culminated in this extraordinary day, and now, it was coming to an end.

Nani Bairya, her frail frame draped in a shimmering silk saree, approached Reena, her eyes twinkling with a warmth that transcended her age. "Reena, my dear," she said, her voice a gentle rasp. "You have outdone yourself today. This has been a celebration to remember."

Reena leaned down and engulfed Nani in a warm embrace. "Thank you, Nani. It wouldn't have been possible without your support and guidance."

Nani chuckled softly. "Guidance, perhaps. But the vision, the heart of this event, that was entirely yours." She pulled back, her gaze searching Reena's face. "I will miss you a lot, Reena. You've become a part of the family, you know."

Reena's heart skipped a beat. Nani's words held more weight than just a casual compliment. A blush crept up her cheeks as she mumbled a grateful reply.

As Nani moved away, Manveer Bairya lumbered towards Reena, a melancholic expression etched on his usually jovial face. "Looks like it's time to say our goodbyes, Reena," he said, his voice laced with a hint of disappointment.

Reena squeezed his arm reassuringly. "Not really, Manveerji. We'll still be working together, just in a different capacity."

Manveer sighed, a shadow momentarily clouding his eyes. "It won't be the same without the daily brainstorming sessions, the late-night calls strategizing about artists and food stalls."

A playful smile lit up Reena's face. "Who says we can't have those anymore? Besides, Bairya Constructions will have more events in the future, and I would be happy to be involved, if you'll have me."

A genuine smile broke across Manveer's face. "Reena, you're a lifesaver. I don't know what I would have done without you this time around." He paused, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "And who knows, maybe next time we can convince Raj to join in on the pani puri challenge again."

Reena couldn't help but laugh, the memory of their playful duel bringing a warmth to her cheeks. Just then, Rajveer materialized behind Manveer, his expression unreadable.

"Pani puri challenge, you say?" he inquired, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes.

Reena and Manveer exchanged surprised glances. Rajveer's presence here, amidst all the goodbyes, seemed out of place. He had spent most of the evening mingling with prominent guests and potential investors, a calculated smile plastered on his face.

"Just a friendly competition, Raj," Manveer explained, his earlier melancholic mood seemingly lifted by Rajveer's arrival. "Reena and I were reminiscing about our... last encounter."

Rajveer raised an eyebrow, his gaze fixed on Reena. "Ah, yes. The great pani puri showdown. A glorious display of competitive spirit, if I may say so myself."

Reena couldn't help but detect a hint of sarcasm in his voice. She suspected Rajveer's presence wasn't entirely due to a sudden interest in pani puris. Perhaps, a part of him, however small, acknowledged the success of the event, the positive light it cast on Bairya Constructions.

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