Chapter 6

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The air crackled with tension in Rajveer's office. The second cup of coffee sat untouched on his desk, a silent testament to the prior disaster. Meera, his secretary, had scurried out moments ago, leaving Rajveer and Reena locked in a heated stare. The amusement that had once sparkled in Reena's eyes had been replaced by a flicker of apprehension.

Rajveer slammed a file shut, the sound echoing in the opulent room. "So, Reena," he began, his voice low and dangerous, "care to enlighten me?"

Reena swallowed, the dryness in her throat mirroring the sudden aridity of the atmosphere. "Enlighten you about what, Rajveer?" she tried, her voice betraying a slight tremor.

"Don't play coy with me," he growled, leaning forward in his chair. "That... that little stunt with the coffee."

Reena squared her shoulders, forcing a semblance of defiance. "What stunt? I have no idea what you're talking about."

Rajveer's nostrils flared. "Don't insult my intelligence, Reena. Meera might not have noticed, but I saw you. That subtle little flick of the wrist – quite impressive, for a lawyer."

Shame burned in Reena's cheeks, but she stood firm. "Even if I did," she challenged, "it was just a joke. A harmless prank."

"Harmless?" Rajveer's voice boomed. "Do you have any idea what that could have done? Imagine if I had an important meeting after that concoction you so graciously 'seasoned'? My entire morning could have been thrown into disarray, all thanks to your childish amusement."

Reena flinched at the accusation. "Childish? You call yourself a grown man, Rajveer, and you can't take a little joke?"

"This wasn't a joke, Reena!" Rajveer bellowed, his anger palpable. "This was a deliberate attempt to sabotage me."

Reena bristled. "Sabotage? Come on, Rajveer. Don't be ridiculous. It was a pinch of salt, that's all."

"A pinch of salt that could have cost me a significant deal," he countered. "It's about respect, Reena. Respect for me, for my work, for the time and effort invested."

Reena felt a pang of guilt. She hadn't considered the potential consequences, blinded by the momentary spark of mischief. "I... I apologize, Rajveer," she mumbled. "I didn't mean for it to go that far."

Rajveer's anger seemed to simmer down a notch, replaced by a deep sigh. He ran a hand through his hair, frustration etched on his face. "Apology accepted, but that doesn't erase the unprofessionalism. You're here as my lawyer, Reena, not my... not my court jester."

Reena winced. The sting of his words was sharp. "I understand. It won't happen again."

The silence returned, heavy and awkward. Rajveer picked up his phone, his gaze flitting across the screen. The tension remained, a thick wall separating them. Reena shifted uncomfortably, wishing the earth would swallow her whole.

Suddenly, a mischievous glint reappeared in Rajveer's eyes. He set down his phone, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.


The midday sun beat down mercilessly on the bustling marketplace. Reena, ever the meticulous planner, navigated the throng of people with practiced ease, her crisp white linen suit a stark contrast to the vibrant chaos around her. She was on a mission – to find the perfect antique lamp for Rajveer's overly serious office.

Meanwhile, Rajveer, a man who thrived on control, found himself entangled in a frustrating bureaucratic nightmare. His passport, a crucial document for an upcoming business deal, had gone missing at the local immigration office. The air hung heavy with the inefficiency of the place, and Rajveer's temper simmered with each passing minute.

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