Chapter 11

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The walk back to the mansion was a slow, meandering affair. The fairy lights, once vibrant, now seemed to cast a hazy, dreamlike glow over the garden path. The air, thick with the scent of woodsmoke and whiskey, swirled around them like a heady perfume.

Reena, her steps uneven and her laughter tinged with a slur, leaned heavily against Rajveer's arm. "This is fun," she declared, her voice thick with intoxication. "Who knew you could be such a good sport, Mr. Bairya?"

Rajveer, his own head feeling pleasantly fuzzy, chuckled. "Perhaps I have a few hidden talents, Ms. Desai. You never know what you might discover after a few... strategic shots of Jack Daniel's."

They reached the back entrance of the mansion, the imposing oak door a stark contrast to the whimsical world they had created in the garden. Reena stopped, swaying slightly.

"Your home sweet home," she sighed, her voice laced with a sudden wave of melancholy. 

Rajveer frowned. "What do you mean?"

Reena hiccuped, a sound that was both comical and strangely endearing. "I can't... go back to you house. It feels... suffocating. Too many deadlines, too much Bairya chaos."

Rajveer understood the sentiment. The Bairya mansion, despite its grandeur, could feel isolating at times. He, too, sometimes craved a refuge from the relentless demands of the family business.

"Then where do you suggest we go?" he asked, his voice softer than he intended.

Reena's eyes, usually sharp and focused, now held a dreamy quality. "Somewhere... quiet. Peaceful. No deadlines, no Bairyas."

"Did she forget that I am also a Bairya" Rajveer's mind raced. Hotels were impersonal, bars too noisy. He needed a place that offered solace, a sanctuary from the outside world. A sudden thought struck him.

"I know just the place," he said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

He guided Reena, her steps faltering with each step, around the mansion to a secluded side door. The door led to a narrow staircase that descended into the basement, a part of the mansion rarely used.

The air in the basement was cool and damp, a welcome contrast to the warm night air. A single bare bulb cast an eerie glow over the dusty stone walls and cobweb-draped corners. Reena shivered, pulling her cardigan tighter around herself.

"Where are we going?" she mumbled, her voice laced with apprehension.

Rajveer stopped at a heavy oak door at the end of the corridor. With a grunt of effort, he pushed it open, revealing a hidden room.

As Reena's eyes adjusted to the dim light, a gasp escaped her lips. The room was a library, a bibliophile's paradise. Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves groaned under the weight of countless leather-bound volumes. A worn Persian rug covered the polished oak floor, and a plush armchair sat invitingly in front of a crackling fireplace.

Reena walked in, her eyes wide with wonder. She ran her fingers along the spines of the books, a sense of awe washing over her. "This is... incredible," she whispered. "A secret library? I had no idea this existed!"

Rajveer smiled. This hidden room, his grandfather's haven, had always been a place of solace for him. He was glad to share it with Reena in this unexpected moment.

"It's a family secret," he said, his voice barely a murmur. "A place to escape the noise and just... be."

Reena wandered around the room, her touch lingering on the worn spines. She picked up a book at random, its leather cover cool and slightly damp in her hands. With a sigh, she sank down into the armchair, the worn leather welcoming her like a familiar embrace.

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