Chapter 19

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The opulent Bairya Mansion loomed before them, a stark contrast to the cramped apartment they'd just left. Rajveer, his face a mask of forced cheer, pulled open the car door with a flourish. Reena, still fuming from their explosive confrontation, stepped out, her silence a storm brewing beneath the surface.

As they entered the grand foyer, a wave of familiar warmth washed over Rajveer. Nani, his grandmother, materialized from behind a large potted ficus, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Rajveer! But what a lovely surprise!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with a hint of disapproval. "You never mentioned you were coming to visit."

Rajveer plastered a smile on his face. "Thought it was time I paid my respects, Nani. And besides," he added, glancing at Reena, who remained stoic, "I brought someone special with me."

Nani's gaze shifted to Reena, her surprise morphing into a warm smile. "Well, this is a delightful surprise! Reena how are you?"

Rajveer's smile faltered for a moment. He hadn't quite figured out how to explain this situation. A whirlwind romance? A chance encounter? Both seemed ludicrous under the scrutiny of his sharp-witted grandmother.

Before he could stammer out a response, a booming voice echoed from the living room. "Raj? Is that you?"

Manveer, his brother, appeared at the entrance, a bewildered look on his face. His gaze fell on Reena, and the confusion deepened.

"Reena?" he breathed, his voice barely a whisper.

Reena flinched, a flicker of pain crossing her features. This unexpected encounter with Manveer was the last thing she needed. But before she could react, Rajveer stepped forward, taking control of the situation.

"Surprise!" Rajveer declared, his voice a touch too loud. "Reena and I, well, we got married."

The announcement hung in the air, a bombshell exploding in the tranquil setting. Nani's smile faltered, a flicker of suspicion replacing the initial warmth. Manveer's brows furrowed, his gaze darting between Reena and Rajveer, searching for answers that weren't forthcoming.

Reena, however, remained silent. The contract, the coercion, the anger – these were things she wouldn't share in this opulent setting, not while protecting her family's honor hung in the balance.

Nani was the first to recover. "Married? But Rajveer, you never mentioned anything..." she began, her voice laced with concern.

Rajveer cut her off, a nervous edge creeping into his voice. "It all happened very quickly, Nani. We just knew it was right," he cast a pleading glance at Reena, who remained stubbornly silent.

Manveer, ever the pragmatist, wasn't buying it. He approached Reena, his gaze searching. "Reena," he said softly, "is this really what you want?"

The question hung in the air, a silent plea for honesty. Reena looked into Manveer's eyes, his concern a stark contrast to Rajveer's forced bravado. The betrayal she felt towards Rajveer threatened to spill over, but she held it back.

Her words were a deflection, but they served their purpose. Manveer, ever the strategist, recognized the unspoken tension and decided to change the subject.

"Of course," he said, a hint of a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Welcome to the family, Reena. Let's get you settled in"

As Manveer ushered them towards the guest room, Reena stole a glance at Rajveer. His face was a mask of conflicting emotions – relief, frustration, and a flicker of something she couldn't decipher.

The following days were a whirlwind of activity. Reena, determined to focus on the Bairya Project, threw herself into brainstorming sessions with Manveer. They discussed ways to utilize the Oberoi resources, to reach a wider audience, to create a platform for underprivileged artists.

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