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Waking up in the morning was never my strong suit, but regardless of that, I woke up just as the sun began to rise. It always felt out of place to be awake so early, because why bother waking up in the morning if you can sleep as much as you need. Sadly, the world required me to wake up early to work, and this world will not be an exception, given that I now have much more to strive for, and everything to gain. Being an early bird in this scenario will, indeed, grant me the first worm.

My shikigami were still awake, guarding the door and the window to my room, and as soon as I woke up, they left their position, assimilating themselves back into my shadow. Walking around the tavern full of people with 2 big wolves is not as easy, and while I was fine with that, it may and will cause a commotion. Better summon them back when I'm on the streets.

With a quick breakfast that consisted of a portion of toad legs, some tea and a quick grab of a piece of a small cake to fulfill my need in sugar, I was out to the blacksmith to get myself my first actual weapon. Thankfully, I found the shop yesterday during my travels through the city, so I had no problems with navigating back to it, and as soon as I arrived, I could see that it was already open, with smoke going out of a chimney.

As soon as I entered, I saw the man himself inside, who's muscles were seen beneath his thin shirt. He has a short, brown beard and hair of the same length and color, and upon hearing as I entered, gave me a side glance, not turning away from the piece of metal he was hammering at, only to turn back to it, not bothering to look in my direction.

— G'day, boy. Ya need somethin' from me goods, or ya just lookin' around? — While he kept hammering the piece of metal, I took a look at the weaponry that was on display right now. While it did have a weapon that was good of a quality, as far as my unprofessional eye can tell, it was not something I was looking for. All the weapons there were either made to be sold for as high price as possible, or were just something to be shown and never sold. They were sharp, could cut most of the materials and won't break as easily, but their weight, balance or even design weren't to my liking.

— I'm looking for a sword or something similar, dagger will be fine too. Ideally, I would like a double edged sword, that's about this long. — Mimicking the lenght of a blade using my hands, seeing as he gave me a side glance to see what I was talking about, I let him know what I'm looking for exactly. — I can make a drawing if It's not enough of an explanation to picture it. I've got around 40 thousand eris on me. If you don't have anything of sorts, I would like to order a custom one.

— I see ya know what yer lookin' for. Them days, them younglings only want a sword for show, and don't get what it means to use one, so havin' people like you showin' up once in a while is refreshin'. I reckon I've got what ya want, but lemme take a look at it first. — With a sigh, he put an unfinished metal product in a forge, to keep the heat up, and wiping the sweat off of his forehead, went to the storage room. I could hear metal rustling sounds, as if he was digging through countless weapons he made in his life. It took him about 3 minutes to look through his goods, and when he came out, he was holding what I could describe as a masterpiece. It was not ideal, of course, since even I, although sharpening my sight with cursed energy, saw imperfections there and there, but for my current financial state, that was more than enough. — Made this one a few years before gettin' to Axel. Reminds me of good times, with so many memories to boot. It's not perfect, and it got a little dull over time, but if ya take it now for full price, I'll get it back in shape for free. How does it sound to ya, kid? 40 thousand eris is a good price for this good little sword.

— We have a deal. — Barter was successful. I was expecting it to cost higher, given the quality of his other goods, so I said that I have only 40 or so thousand eris to lower it to my current maximum. I will still have some eris to spare. — Mind if I sit there while you work?

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