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— Goddamit. — Yet another attempt to brew a healing potion was a failure. I just couldn't properly fill ingridients with mana so they won't just dissipate into the liquid, so instead of a potion, I just got a soup from leaves, grass and mushrooms with toad eyes. Not the most tasty combination, I know, but given it's one of the cheapest and not the worst healing potions available, it will be our main source of profit for a while until I learn how to brew better ones. — Fuck it, I'll get back to you later. — With a sigh, I went out of the storage room, and sat in the chair, reviewing latest documents we received after I ordered new products. Adventurers finally got back into business, so we started getting more money to do our own stuff, and 15 or so percent of what we got went into my tries to brew healing potions, with 0 percent success rate.

— I'm sure you'll get it down soon, Y/n. You're a fast learner, I can assure you. — Wiz tried to cheer me up, and I just nodded, instead of trying to prove her wrong. No point in arguing over it.

As soon as I put down the documents, we both heard a bell, turning to face the visitors. Seeing a familiar faces, I decided to observe what was going to happen, given that Kazuma and Aqua both visited the shop. Kazuma, even though he knew I was working here and saw it himself before, never visited the shop to buy anything, but Aqua never ever came close to this place. Judging by the look in his eyes, it doesn't seem like he came to buy anything, nor did he came here for me.

— Ah, Kazuma-san, welc- — Wiz was about to greet him, but, as she spoke, Aqua interrupted her.

— You're that undead! You even opened your own shop here?! — When Aqua tried to get close to Wiz to grab her, I grabbed her neck, pressing her face against the wall.

— Don't you dare touch my employer. — I said, pushing her back to Kazuma. — I won't allow anyone to cause ruckus in this shop, even if it's any of my friends.

— You're working for that undead now?! — She accusingly pointed her finger at me, and I pointed my middle finger at her, while holding a pen I used to write.

— I started working for her even BEFORE I found out she's undead. It's a mutual relationship to keep this ship from drowning, and I did a damn fine job at rescuing it. — I said, going back to the document at hand. The taxes are pain to deal with, no matter the world.

— Yo, Wiz. Long time no see. — Kazuma made his presence known, moving his hand from his hip, given he was about to beat the crap out of Aqua for trying to attack Wiz. Speaking of her, she now sat on one of the chairs for customers to wait in case the line of waiting is too long, glaring at Wiz.

— This store doesn't even offer tea to its customers? — Aqua asked, seeing that we have our own teacups with hot tea ready, trying to get free stuff, as well as to annoy Wiz. Before Wiz tried to apologize, however, I threw a cookie in Aqua's face, which made her grab her nose from pain.

— We only offer tea to people who are either sick, bought something or act properly while waiting. You don't fall in either category, and this cookie to your face is the best you will get if you don't stop acting like a spoiled brat. — Throwing another one for good measure, I moved documents aside, taking a sip of my own tea just to annoy Aqua.

— You just want to make fun of me, don't you?! — She yelled back at me, and I nodded, unamused by her response.

— Certainly. You disturb the peace, and I don't like it. — Was my response, as I made another sip of tea. — So, Kazuma, what are you after?

— Well, I got some skills points to spend after our last quest, so I wanted to learn some useful skills from Wiz, given she's a Lich with strong skills. — He said, and I raised my brow at this.

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