Possesive Darry x Y/n- you're too close to him

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Y/n pov: (Darry and Y/n are dating)

I woke up cuddled up to Darry. It was so warm because I was much smaller than him so he was wrapped all around me. Last night we all stayed here so we could play board games and pass the time , since we had a power outage. I turned my head to see Darry cuddling me.

He had his arms wrapped around my waist, I turned my body over to face him "Good morning babe" I whispered. All I got was a groan in response, he pulled me closer and stayed asleep. I turned back around- DALLY!?! "Dally what are you-" he quickly shut my mouth and cuddled up to me. I started panicking so I just jumped out of the bed and ran downstairs.

"DALLY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Is all I heard after I got into the living room. Dally came running out laughing. And there was Darry, madder than ever running after him. I got in-front of Dally trying to protect him but both of them were making it difficult. "Darry please" I pleaded, "it's too early for this. Both of you stop" I said and for some reason BOTH of them listened.

Darry looked at me, anger in his eyes. "Babe-" I couldn't even talk to him before he bumped into me and stormed away. We all went silent, which was only me, Dally, and Steve. "Uuuhhh, what just happened" Steve said, he just walked in when Darry stormed off.

7 hours later
It is 5:10 PM

Darry pov:

I finally came back home after doing some yard work for an older woman a couple blocks away from my house. I was still mad, y/n has been so affectionate towards Dally even though she is mine. I walked in to see them basically on top of each other.

(they are not, they are on the same couch with a decent amount of room away from each other)

I stormed up to my room and slammed the door. I flopped myself onto my bed and thought, why has y/n been so close with him??? Suddenly I felt the tears forming, I couldn't stop them so I let them come out. My tears started falling to the wooden floor, the more I thought the more tears there were.

Suddenly my hands started shaking and I couldn't breathe, my vision was blurry, I felt sick. I fell to the ground onto all fours, but then I ended up on my side. Everything started to seem loopy. I couldn't see anything, I started panicking even more. Then I could barely even breathe but I was crying a river. I couldn't take this, I feel so sick... "Y/N HELP!!!".

Y/n pov:

"Y/N HELP!!!" Is all I heard coming from upstairs. I never ran so fast in my life, I flew up the stairs and flung the door open to see Darry having a panic attack on the floor. I crouched next to him and made eye contact, "Darry I need you to take deep breaths. Everything is ok, everyone is happy" once I said that I realized something, I am the reason this is happening.

I frowned at the thought but quickly brought my attention back to Darry. He has calmed his breathing some, but it still needed work. I sat down on my knees and gently puts his head on my lap. I started playing with his hair and talking to him " it will be ok Darry. You have no work tomorrow, we can spend more time together with that. And Ponyboy has been bringing home amazing grades!".

What I was trying to achieve was get his mind off of how he felt so he could calm down. It was working, but I had to keep going, "and Soda helped some kids today. I heard he helped them get their football out of a tree. One day I should watch you play football, you would probably be good at it". I kept talking until his panic attack was over. "I'm sorry" he said, I could tell he was embarrassed that he needed help.

I cupped his face and looked down at him, at this point he had his head on my chest, and had his arms wrapped around me. "Don't be darling, we all need help with our thoughts. Speaking of thoughts, please don't think that I'm doing something with Dally. I'm not that desperate" he giggled at my joke, he could tell I was trying to make him feel better.

Time skip 1 hour

Ponyboy pov:

I finally got back home after a long day. Me and Johnny played in a lake the entire day. We came inside to see everyone in the living room except Darry and Y/n. "Hey, where are Darry and Y/n?" Johnny asked. "They are upstairs, something happened and they've been up there ever since" Dally said. I crept up the stairs and slowly crawled my way to Darry's bedroom.

I didn't open the door because I didn't want to get caught, I started listening and soon the rest of the gang was there listening as well. We heard them giggling, "I love you Darry" "I love you too, my dear".

Hi!!! I hope you enjoyed this oneshot. If you have any request's just put them in the comments!!!

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