Two-bit x y/n- the drama club practice

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Y/n pov:

Yes!!! Finally, drama club was going on. I loved drama club more than anything else!!! The action, the drama (obvi), and of course I get to see my crush!!! His name is Keith, he is SO dreamy.

"Hello everyone!!! As everyone knows I'm Mr.Miller. This year we are going to do an act forrrr, drum roll please!!! ( all the kids start slapping the desks) we are doing ROMEO AND JULIET!!!" The whole class cheered. As soon as we all calmed down I saw Keith raise his hand, "yes Mr.Matthews?" "Yes, I was wondering if you already have an idea on who Juliet and Romeo would be" we all went quiet and stared at Mr.Miller, eager to know.

He smirked, "maybe" is all he said then he proceeded to tell us when tryouts were. As we all got up to leave Keith walked up to me. "Call me Two-bit" he said, why was he telling me this? "Ok?" Is all I said trying not to smile too much.

2 weeks later

" O MY GOSH" I screamed. "What?" Johnny said, my best friend. "I got Juliet!!!" He smiled and hugged me, we've known each other since we were 7. Me and my parents have tried to get custody of him, because of his dad, but it never works out.

I hate it but he is never home anyway so at least he's away from the abuse most of the time. We started going over my lines and he was laughing most of the time, since I was jokingly using a weird voice. As we were practicing Keith- I mean Two-bit walked up to us.

I blushed slightly but I calmed myself down so he wouldn't notice my feelings for him. "I heard you were Juliet, is that true?" "Yeah, who are you" "I'm Romeo" TWO-BIT IS ROMEO!?! THIS COULDN'T BE ANY BETTER!!! I felt like I was melting, I haven't been this happy in such a long time.

Two-bit winked at me then said something to Johnny. He frowned but Two just laughed. "That's awful, I'm not coming" Johnny said. I was confused, "what?" I said, probably sounding scared.

Hey guys!!! I hope you enjoy this part. ⚠️THERE WILL BE A PART TWO⚠️!!! I just wanted to go ahead and post because it feels like it's been forever since I posted, for some reason. Byeee I hope you like part one.

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