Chapter 3 - My Two Homes

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Kitsuro took the last sip of his now empty sake cup. He lied down comfortably on the roof, completely ignoring the dust on each tiles he laid upon and set his gaze at the bright moon above.

Uzumaki Akira... I finally got hold of her. Though I doubt she'd be willing to stay her forever. Sooner or later she'd probably want to go back...

Rushed footsteps were heard heading towards the exit of the manor and this caught the fox's attention. Kitsuro inwardly smirked. Speaking of the devil.

Kitsuro teleported right in front of the pinkhead as he offered her his sweetest smile. "Having a late night walk, perhaps? Uzumaki Akira-chan?"

"Kitsuro..." Akira looked at him; her face showed pure shock. I got busted?! But I kept my chakra very low to keep it undetected. "You sensed me trying to go out?"

"Nope. I just felt like you'll be trying to escape so I settled here for the night."

Akira's stare on Kitsuro was still unmoving. She narrowed her eyes, as she remembered everything that Kyuubi told her. She definitely needs answers to her questions.

"You. What do you need from me? You even went all your way to conspire with Itachi."

Itachi? Kitsuro wondered for a second as he found that name familiar. Ah. So the man who brought her here and the man who killed all of his clansmen is the same person...

''It seems like you got some things wrong, Akira." He answered." I didn't ask him to bring you here. That kid from that accursed clan brought you here on his own accord, gave you to me and left without saying anything."

Akira's gaze worsen at this. His answer didn't help at all, in fact, it only added more questions to her already confused self. Kitsuro continued.

"What do I need from you, you ask? Your entire self. THIS VILLAGE NEEDS YOU. Unlike your village who treats you like trash, this village treats you as its' hero."

"What?" The pinkhead was only able to mutter a single word in surprise.

"Remember the PRIESTESS business we talked about? I'm referring to you. The previous priestess sacrificed her life protecting Uzushiogakure during the previous war. The seat has been empty for almost 2 decades. And you're the only one who can save us, Akira. Only you." Kitsuro determingly explained, hoping that this would help her choose them over Konoha.

"So please remain here with us."

Akira, though still confused, started to gain some realizations. She looked away from him and turned her gaze to the floor; her usual gesture of feeling sorry for someone.

"I can't. I'm sorry. Konoha is my home."

Kitsuro snapped, his eyes showed utter dismay. "And since when did they treat you as their family?"

The pinkhead went silent at this.

"They don't, do they?" The fox answered for her. "I saw everything with my own eyes, Akira. They treat you and your brother badly; avoid you and bad-mouth you as if you were some kind of germs. It's all just because your brother is a feared Jinchuuriki."

Kitsuro continued. "Up until now, you're merely being dragged towards their hate because you stand by your brother. They already treat you like that despite not knowing that you're also a Jinchuuriki. Have you ever thought about what would happen to you if they realize that you also possess that thing?"

He paused and looked at the pinkhead.

"What a monster." He silently muttered. It was almost a whisper, but this line continued to painfully echo inside Akira's mind.

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