Chapter 8 - Unfolding

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The following day,

Silent gusts of cool morning breeze filled the lightly crowded streets, blowing past the windows of every houses in the village, and mixing with the warmth of the sun's rays. With such perfect weather, a smile curved on an unconscious pinkhead's lips. She shifted comfortably on the bed, drifting deeper into sleep, when suddenly, a knock was heard from the apartment's door.

"Who is it..?" Akira demanded, not bothering to open a single eyelid.

"The ever amazing Toad sage of the legendary Sannin, Jiraiya-sama!" He announced in his usual festive tone, accompanied by the rhythmic tapping of wood, which Akira assumed to have came from his idiotic dance. 

Ugh, why is he here? She thought, slightly feeling annoyed. She wasn't able to sleep for 2 days, and just as when she was finally able to rest, someone would go dancing in front of her apartment.

"Naruto, go open the door," She mumbled and reached out to her side, but felt nothing aside from the bedsheet. Her eyes instinctively opened and proceeded to search for her missing brother, when another knock echoed from the entrance.

"Yes, just a moment!" Akira exclaimed, rushing off the bed. Upon unlocking the door, she was greeted with a troubled expression. Her eyebrow raised in question. "What do you need?"

Jiraiya sighed before answering. "What time do you think it is?"

"Huh?" She blinked, then turned around to check the wall clock. Her eyes instantly went wide. She woke up 3 hours late. "Dammit!"

Akira immediately ran back inside the apartment, but of course, not before slamming the door shut on Jiraiya's face.

"Why didn't he wake me up?" She murmured to herself as she hurried her way to the Hokage's office.

Accompanying her was Jiraiya, who answered, "He did, but he said you wouldn't budge,"

"Then, he should have dragged me off the bed - ttebaii,"

"You would have beaten him up if he did that," He replied coolly.

True... Akira thought and internally sighed. Indeed, she resembled her mother in more ways than one.

Upon arriving, she hastily knocked and entered the room without waiting for further reply. "I'm sorry for being―"

"You're late!" Tsunade yelled, abruptly standing up and slamming the table.

Akira blinked at her sudden outburst. She knew that her master was a short-tempered person, but she didn't expect that kind of reaction from her. Especially, since she could easily catch up with her teammates using her transportation technique, you know.

Jiraiya nudged an elbow at the dumbfounded pinkhead beside him and whispered, "That's why I told you to just transport here,"

"What if she was in the toilet, you pervert," She whispered back, which was only replied with a mischievous grin.

She then looked back at Tsunade and bowed. "I'm really sorry,"

The Hokage simply sighed, then continued in a calmer manner. "I expect that you've already packed up,"

"Yes," The pinkhead replied. "Is it a long mission?"

"Depends on how the situation progresses," 

It was then that Akira felt the tension oozing from Tsunade. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her tone wasn't filled with usual confidence - a sign that something bad must really have happened.

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