Chapter 1 - Uzushiogakure

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"Thank you, Akira..."

As this line echoed through her mind, Akira shot up from her slumber.

As if I'll say 'you're welcome' to that, Itachi!

The pinkhead was ready to punch a certain Uchiha as soon as she see him. She looked around the room she was in, only to be greeted by a bunch of strangers with red heads. One of them approached her, an old man whose hair was the only one dyed with a different color.

"You're finally awake, Kushina's daughter?"

The pinkhead furrowed her eyebrows at the sound of her mother's name. "Who are you? How did you know me and my mom? Where am I? Wher-"

"Calm down, would you?" Said a boy leaning on the far wall.

He strolled towards Akira and sat beside her bed. He rest his chin on his palm while taking his time to stare at her. "You really look like Kushina, you know."

The pinkhead returned a stare at the guy and examined him. Unlike the other people currently in her room who're mostly old, he looked so young to her, maybe someone whose age was only 2 or 3 years older than her -- which only made her wonder more why this man knows her mom. And the way he mentioned her mother's name, it was as if they were pretty close.

She then turned to look at everyone else. Guys who knows my mom... Red hair and... this amazing chakra feeling......

"This can't possibly be..."

"Correct." The guy answered with a wide grin, as if he just read her mind. He pened his hand fan in gesture.

"Welcome to Uzushiogakure."

After getting released out of the room she just had recenty stayed in, Akira was immediately taken to lunch in a ramen store out in the village. She was accompanied by the same man who was with her earlier.

While Akira was busy eating, the man merely kept quiet and watched her finished it all. After the last sip, she hastly put the 7th bowl down and exhaled heavily. "Thanks for the meal!"

"That's a large appetite you got there." The man said while grinning at her a bit. "Sooo like Kushina."

Akira raised another eyebrow at this. "You kept mentioning and mentiong my mom's name ever since we met. Just who are you? How much do you know about me?"

"Well, since you've been asking that since earlier, then I shall answer you." He, then, took his fan out and started fanning himself again.

"Who am I? -- I'm Kitsuro. The caretaker of the High Priestess of Uzumaki clan." He said, then smiled a smug-like one at the pinkhead. "How much do I know about you? -- I know everything. You were originally named as Namikaze but changed your name to Uzumaki after your parents died to avoid being targeted by people who resented your father. Your dad is the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato, while your mom is Kushina. You spent only half the usual years in the academy. Became Genin at 9 and Chunnin right after you took the first exam. You were promoted as a Jounin at age 13. You love to eat ramen. You oftenly drool when you sleep. You're single since birth, but you have someone you like and that is --"

"Oooooookay." Akira suddenly cut his seemingly-non-ending-speech and was actually freaked out by this.

Is he a stalker or what?!! How could he know this much information about me?!! He even know what my relationship status is?!!! And even some of my ...'sleeping habits'?!!

"Just asking... How were you able to get this much information about me?"

"By stalking you, of course." He answered normally, as if his answer was soo typical.

This guy--! He REALLY is a stalker!!!

Akira continued as another important question popped out of her mind. "By the way, how did you know my mom? Just by looking at you, I know that you're someone who's 2 or 3 years older than me. My mom stayed in Konoha during her last years and that just made it impossible for you to ever encounter her."

Kitsuro raised an eyebrow back in question. "2 or 3 years older than you? I'm already 256 years old. Duuh."

"W-WHAT?!! But you look," The pinkhead looked at him from head to toe. "Young. Too young for someone with an age of 256! And normally, no human should be alive by then!"

The guy didn't remove his 'are you stupid or something'-like expression in his face.

"Of course no human could be alive with that old of an age. Isn't it obvious? I'm not a human. I'm a fox." He said and continued. "Your mom and I were friends. And YOU are indeed her daughter. You're both so stuupid."

Akira ignored the insult and remained silent. Afterwards, she burst out laughing. "HAHAHA. What are you?! *snort A-A fox?! You're a foooox?! *snort HAHAHA. You won't decieve me. Go pretend somewhere else, baka! AHAHAHA!"

As if to spit her mockery back to her, he transformed and soon as the puffs of clouds disappered, there he stood with dog-like ears on his head and a tail on his back.

Akira remained dumbfounded. Kitsuro grinned at her expression.

"Who's the baka now?"

After eating, Akira was taken to a tour with Kitsuro to guide her. However, her mind seemed to be not with her and was flying somewhere else.

I never heard of an animal who can transform into an human... She then looked at the man in front of her. But those ears and tail... they seem so genuine.

"HEY." And this suddenly brought her back to reality.

"Are you even listening?" Kitsuro asked her.

"O-Of course!" She answered back and both continued with their tour.

While walking around, Akira noticed some features of the village. The landscape was so beautiful and well taken-care of. Trees are abundant and you could actually here the birds chirping. Uzushiogakure was one of the most beautiful placest she's been to, if not the best. And this only made her wonder about something.

"I thought that this village was long ago annihilated..." The pinkhead muttered while staring around.

"Well, that's what we made the outsiders think."

Kitsuro replied, as he stopped walking around and stared at one particular place -- a shrine in the middle of a lake, which seemed to be the center of the village.

"We, Uzumakis, were the original targets of the previous war. The declaration of war towards Konohagakure and Iwagakure, which was lead by Kirigakure, was a mere diversion planned by the previous Mizukage. While a battle royale was going on in between the Leaf, Mist and Stone, that man took the chance of destroying our village, which he was successful to. But unbeknowst to him, the villagers were able to survive. That's why we were able to create a new village."

"Oh..." Akira merely said as she was a bit taken aback.

So that's what originally happened.... She thought as she can't feel less pitiful for her mother's homeland.

As the sun bid to set, Akira and Kitsuroi motioned to return back to their residence. On their way back, Akira noticed a small group of villagers talking beside the alley. She was about to just let them be, when she heard something that caught her attention.

"Did you hear it? A clan was massacred in Konoha!"

Author's Note:

Uzushiogakure will play an important part in the latter part of the story so they really need to be mentioned. Sorry for the OC overload. Meh. Kitsuro is an Ikemen tho. Look at the pic there on the right. Unf! *le fangirling


Much appreciated guys!

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