Chapter 17 - Different Future

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Akira examined her surroundings. It was dark, but not completely lightless. The air was stagnant and no sign of life could be found except for them. The place looked like an unending space of cold cement filled with innumerable amount of differently sized rectangular prisms. It was undoubtedly a separate dimension from the world of the living.

She watched Tobi with a calculating stare before drawing another special kunai.

"I won't do that if I were you. You wouldn't want to get caught up in a dimensional accident."

At his statement, Akira managed to confirm two truths. First, was that Tobi had complete dominion over this dimension, thus making it inaccessible to other space-time realites. Even if she were to use Hiraishin, it was highly-likely that she would get trapped in the rift between the worlds. Second, Tobi was not involved in her prior accident and was unaware that she had been gone for 5 years.

She quickly redrew her weapon.

"No need to fret. I will free you after we recapture the Kazekage," Tobi assured as he moved to take a seat on one of the cemented boxes. Despite his seemingly lowered guard, Akira's wary gaze never once left his figure.

"So you are a member of the Akatsuki."

He shrugged. "I am, but I'm also not. It's quite complicated."

A loud sound reminiscent of a thousand chirping birds suddenly pierced through the silence in the void. Akira's right hand was enveloped in an electrical current.

"I don't have time for your silly word games," Akira hissed, and aimed her Chidori at Tobi. Even without Hiraishin, she instantly closed in on him. However, his Sharingan easily traced her movements.

"Such a straightforward technique. I don't even need to slip away," he sneered and smoothly dodged to the side.

It was a bluff, though. Truth of the matter was, Tobi could no longer use his intangibility trick since he was already inside the dimension. Where else could he teleport specific parts of his body?

"Don't be foolish. Kill me and you will forever be trapped in this dimension," he warned.

Akira couldn't care less. "Then, I'll just beat you half to death and get you to submit."

She launched a barrage of lightning ninjutsu and even mixed in some shuriken techniques—all of which Tobi was able to counter, much to the pinkhead's surprise.

Akira was in no way slow. Mastering Hiraishin required her to develop inhumane reflexes. So how could Tobi parry her attacks so effortlessly? It was as if he could read her movements or, to be more specific, her hand signs.

The pinkhead decided to shift to Taijutsu. Her speculation was proved to be true when she managed to overpower Tobi and corner him. A Rasengan formed in her hand and just as she was about to hit him, a large explosion suddenly appeared inside the dimension.

Akira landed on the grass in a crash after Tobi barely managed to get them to safety. The smell of soil caught her attention, and she looked around to see that they were back.

She glanced at the masked man and her thoughts went back to the recent explosion. It didn't seem to be his doing. In fact, the sensation of the blast was strangely similar to the doton user's explosives. The question was, how did it reach a separate dimension?

Tobi remained silent, deep in thought.

The only other person who could access his dimension was Kakashi!

Does that mean... he had already activated his Mangekyou Sharingan? He thought in alarm.

Tobi had to practice extreme caution as to not reveal his identity. If it was brought to light that he gave Kakashi his left eye and shared the same Sharingan, his supposedly-invincible space-time technique would become full of flaws.

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