Chapter 7 - Team Kakashi

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Right after her descent from the Hokage Mountains, Akira moved on to her next stop; a place which she desperately wanted to see yet was feeling doubtful about it – The Uchiha District. Her latter feelings, however, only went worse upon the sight of a warning, openly plastered at the entrance of the town. Nevertheless, she continued forward.

Standing on the middle of the road, Akira took her time and observed the surroundings.

Empty, or to portray more accurately – abandoned. No signs of life could be found. The structures were so dusty and dirty; obviously unkempt and were left to be erased through the flow of time. The silence was also too hard to bear with, that Akira almost doubted her ears and mistook herself for a deaf.

I thought they would have it reoccupied by the other villagers. She silently wondered, but immediately came up with some answers herself. Sentiment, perhaps? Or was it as simple as nobody wanted to live in the outskirts of the village, where a clan was horridly massacred?

Unable to decide which conclusion fits the situation better, Akira just set the thought aside and continued her walk.

After half a kilometre, she caught sight of an overly familiar place. It was a shop she frequented in.

“Akira, dear! Come and have some dumplings,” A voice seemed to echo in her ears.

The owners, an old married couple, always invited her to sumptuous meals. She could barely remember an instance when she paid for her tabs since they would always insist that it was for free. With them around, she knew what it was like to have grandparents. It was such a warm feeling.

But then again, they’re gone.

Akira stared at the empty shop in silence. Her knuckles almost immediately turned white as her hands curled into fists.

“They were innocent people – an old couple who decided to live their few remaining days happily together. And yet, he...” She internally spat. Anger was starting to overwhelm her.

She moved along, this time, towards the house of the man who was responsible of this entire predicament. She shook her head in attempt to clear her mind of all the thoughts bothering her, but it was futile. There were just too many questions left unanswered.

Why? Why did he do this?!

The Itachi I know will never do something this horrible. He had such a loving family – a perfect and big family, unlike me and Naruto. He had such a bright future before him. He could even become the Hokage! Why did he betray the village? Why?

“Why?” She muttered.

Before she even knew it, she was already inside Itachi’s room, staring at a frame which encased a picture of their team, taken during their Genin days. Her cerulean eyes, then, trailed towards the kunai lying beside it, which was the catalyst for her instant appearance. Of course, it was none other than her own Flying Thunder God kunai.

“If something bad happens, immediately go here so I can help you,”

Akira sighed at the memory of it. She immediately took the kunai and kept it in her pouch.

“It seems like this will be the first and last time I’ll ever use this,” She said, talking to Itachi from the photograph, before leaving.

Walking aimlessly in the village, Akira took her time looking around. It was then that she saw another one of the shops that she, Itachi and Shisui used to dropped by to.

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