Chapter Two

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I apologize for any grammar mistakes or mistakes in general...

Peacepaw sat beside a lanky, pale silver tom, and Spottypaw could tell almost at once that this cat was dead. He wasn't moving. He wasn't breathing. Rabbitpaw was gone. There was blood slowly oozing from a vicious wound on his neck, and Spottypaw assumed that was what had caused the older apprentice to pass away. His neck had been too badly punctured to treat properly.

Rainwing was slouched over Rabbitpaw's body, his head low and his face hidden away as he took gravely breaths. The tom's ear was torn, and he had a few minor scratches on his flank. Behind Rainwing were four other warriors, and all of them were in severe condition.

Jaybounce was wheezing with each breath he took, and his eyes were covered with chewed up herbs that stunk the place up. His whole face seemed to be bloody and scratched up. If he lived, he would hardly be recognizable...

Dappledeye's tail was bent in several places, and her body twitched and jerked around every other heartbeat. She had two major bite wounds on the top of her head, and each wound was smothered in pulp and wrapped with spider webs. Last was Beechdew, and he appeared to be hanging on by a claw. His bottom jaw was crooked, a few of his teeth were missing or stuck in his upper jaw, and his belly was badly clawed. Not even spider webs could hide the blood from his wounds.

Peacepaw had to deal with all of this on her own... I should have been here to help her. I could have helped her save Rabbitpaw. I shouldn't have left her alone!

Fury coursed through Spottypaw's pelt, but not because he was mad at himself. He was furious that Pondfrost would leave Peacepaw all on her own to do such a mighty task. He should have let Spottypaw help her. Now she would have nightmares about this for the rest of her life...

She doesn't deserve this burden. This isn't fair.

Spottypaw quickly pulled himself out of his thoughts, and he forced himself to gather his strength to speak. He wasn't sure what to say. Death was never something that he was fond of discussing.

"I... I'm sorry, Peacepaw," he whispered. His tail sank to the floor, and he blinked guiltily at his friend. "I shouldn't have left you. This is my fault."

"Don't," the gray she-cat murmured quietly, lifting her paw to gently rest it on his chest. "The only cat I blame is the cat that did this to him. Rabbitpaw knew that he wasn't going to make it... Moonpaw was able to say goodbye to him before he went to join StarClan."

Spottypaw internally cringed at the mention of StarClan, but he said nothing in relation to her belief. He simply nodded with grief.

"Have you told Shellwing yet?" He mumbled. He glanced sideways at Rainwing, and he felt a pang of sympathy towards him. Rainwing had raised Rabbitpaw for Shellwing due to her lack of care for her kit, and he had loved the apprentice as if he were his own son.

It must hurt to lose the only family member that cared about him. Now Rainwing only has Shellwing again.

Peacepaw furrowed her eyebrows with distraught at Spottypaw's question, and her neck fur prickled up by the slightest bit. Spottypaw was surprised by this small sign of anger from her. It was rare for Spottypaw to see her in such a negative mood.

"I did. And all she said was 'oh. That's sad.' She showed no emotion towards the death of her own kit," Peacepaw rasped.

Spottypaw's jaw almost dropped with shock at Peacepaw's alarming news. He hadn't expected Shellwing to be so apathetic towards her own kit. Sure, she hadn't been involved in Rabbitpaw's life or shown any interest in him, but Spottypaw still thought that she would feel crushed that her son had died so horrifically.

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