Chapter 433: The Current Situation in the Southwest War Zone!

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Translator: Henyee Translations
Editor: Henyee Translations

The surroundings were silent. Lin Bei was speechless for a long time.

In the end, he sighed and nodded.

"Hehe, that's great!"

Seeing this, Qiqi smiled. She held Lin Bei's hand and pestered him, asking him to teach her the cloning technique of the Shadow of Stars.

Lin Bei left only a clone to continue refining the human puppet. Then, he returned to his pocket space with Qiqi and began to teach her the cultivation method of the power of the stars. If he wanted to learn the Shadow of Stars, he had to master the power of the stars first.

Fortunately, Qiqi's control of the power of time had reached a breathtaking level. With her full strength, she actually increased the time flow in her pocket space by a hundred times.

In other words, a hundred days in the pocket space was only a day outside.

In this way, cultivating in the pocket space was a hundred times faster than cultivating outside.

Even Lin Bei was very surprised by Qiqi's methods.

He looked at Qiqi and sighed. "The stability of this pocket space is already very terrifying. I didn't expect... you to be able to increase the flow of time by a hundred times! How strong are you now?"

"Uh... Well, I really don't know the details, but this is only 10% of my strength in the dream image. It's actually nothing."

Qiqi was a little shy from Lin Bei's stare and nodded.

"Ten... ten percent?!"

However, when Lin Bei heard this, his eyes widened.

He could not help but wonder how powerful it would be if it was 100% of her strength.

It was unimaginable!

100% of her strength was not a simple tenfold increase.

That would be a qualitative change!

"Is this the strength of the Nine Unparalleled? This is too terrifying. Just 10% of her strength is already like this. If she uses her full strength..."

Lin Bei was secretly speechless. He couldn't help but think of Emperor Cang in the Bleak Mountain. Thinking of how he actually wanted to enter the ruins to search for treasures previously, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

This was really... the ignorant were fearless.

"Alright, don't be so surprised! In the dream, you were even better."

Qiqi comforted him.

"I... Okay."

When Lin Bei heard this, he could only nod and stop letting his imagination run wild. He began to teach Qiqi seriously the cultivation method of the power of the stars.

Time passed quickly. After seven days in the pocket space, Qiqi finally mastered the cultivation method of the power of the stars. Then, Lin Bei tirelessly used a month to give Qiqi a deep analysis and explanation of all the exclusive skills he had mastered about the Star Swordsman.

During this period of time, he did not waste any time. He gathered the guards who were still cultivating in his pocket space and taught them at the same time. As for how much they could obtain, it was up to them.

Everyone was studying and improving tirelessly. In the blink of an eye, three months had passed in the pocket space, and about a day had passed in the outside world.

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