Beach love

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Warning : BDSM, gun play, degrading, praise kink, public, toys, size kink, breed kink, slight pain kink, and poly so- yeah be aware

My best friend Marcia and I just graduated college and felt we deserved a break or some time off due to all our hard work. Marcia and her boyfriend Lucas invited me to a beach house vacation which we all deserve and earned, Lucas decided to bring along his close friends Ekon and Travis. I always liked those two.. Travis, with his shoulder length brown hair, and Ekon with his great hazel eyes I could stare into his eyes forever. Marcia then tapped on my shoulder and made me loose my train of thought "You ready to go? The planes about to leave." She said grabbing her luggage as well as everyone else "Yeah sorry I dozed off a bit" I said as I grabbed my thing's and got ready to get on the plane. "Right! Everyone ready to have the best weeks of our fucking lives?!" Travis yelled "Travis when do you ever shut up?" I said and everyone laughed as he pinched my arm. "OW- am I wrong? You're always so loud dork" I said "Its called having personality you're just dull." He said and i rolled my eyes and we walked to the plane


We got off the plane and I'm pretty sure we looked as lost as kids in Walmart. "Y'all kids lost?" Asked a random old man beside us "yeah we sorta are.. we just got here from new york could you help us to the beach houses?" Marica chuckles nervously as she said this. "Oh you kids are city folk let me help y'all out, you see you're gonna make a left then a right then drive straight and you'll hit 'em." He said pointing in the directions "Thank you sir!" I said as I started running. We finally got to the beach houses and we were blown its was hotter than ever out there and we weren't used to it yet so we were panting and drained. "I need a good beer and a swim" Ekon said "You read minds now Ekon?" I said and everyone laughed. We went to the gas station grabbed some bud weiser and bud lights and some food and headed down to the beach. Lucas was complaining that Marcia was showing too much skin due to her bikini "ohhh hush Lucas no like anyone is gonna try and steal her, your scary looking, I'm the one y'all should worry about look at me ain't i fabulous" I said with a twirl and bow after then Marcia laughed and Ekon and Travis chuckled and Travis said "hell yeah, that ass looks smackable to me, you think Ekon?" "Don't look at her ass your pervert" Ekon said smacking Travis on the back the head and Travis whined in pain. Few minutes later the boys were running out the door  towards the beach as Marcia and I walked behind them. I sighed "yknow they are really something, they're like kids" "Do you like Travis and Ekon?" Marcia said ignoring my statement before "Wait huh?" I said stunned. "Do you like Travis and Ekon?" She repeated "well.. I guess yeah I mean they're hot and plus they're like 2x my size" I said she laughed evil like and ran off and I urgently ran after her and when I got there she had told them and it was obvious they looked at me and smiled walking towards me and I just walked like normal acting as if I didn't know what was about to happen. "At 10. Go to our room got it pretty girl?" Ekon whispered in my ear and I shivered and nodded. We then spent all day swimming and drinking. Some time like maybe 5 hours Marcia and Lucas went off back to the house as they left me alone with the others. "So is it true you like us angel?" Travis said and I slightly nodded "well we like you too princess" Ekon said lifting my chin so I could make eye contact. Next thing I knew I felt his lips hit mine, his lips were soft and sweet but soon got harder but then I felt its soften and the kiss go away and my head was then turned and I felt a kiss again but it was different this kiss was hard and just kept getting harder. I felt hands pick me up princess still after the kiss broke and I noticed Ekon was picking me up and was carrying me towards the house as Travis followed. Next thing I knew I was inside the house and I could hear Marci and Lucas moaning for a mile away. Soon later I was being thrown onto the bed and my bikini is is being untied and my bottoms are being slipped off slowly. Ekon starts kissing me again cause me to whimper as he touched my bare nipples and Travis started kissing my thighs leaving small hickeys and bite marks on me. I then felt a slight vibrating sensation go on my clit which cause me to moan into Ekon's mouth and buck my hips up. Ekon then went to my nipples and started gently sucking on one as he gently rubbed the other. Travis took the vibrator off of my clit which caused me to pout then i felt him lick up my vagina causing me to moan, he then shoved his fingers into me with out any warning starting to thrust fast and harsh giving me no time to adjust. "Oh my g— fuck I'm going to cum" I moaned and Travis started to curl his fingers in me and moving faster which caused me to moan louder "cum slut its okay" Travis said and i listened releasing all over his fingers "good slut, good job listening to me" Travis said making me whimper slightly. They both paused for a second to let me breathe, then Ekon whispered something to Travis and they both smile like villains. I was then blind folded and tied up and i felt a cold metal go against my skin which caused me to shiver "what the fuck is that?!"  I yelled moving away from it, "A gun" Ekon said in a deep voice touching it back onto my skin. I then heard pants drop and I then felt something go into me cause me to moan louder then i ever thought I could. "Oh good whore moan just like that let everyone who owns you" Travis said I then had something shoved in my mouth and i heard Ekon groan. "You like your holes being full of us princess?" Ekon said moaning a bit as he thrusted into my mouth and i nodded in response to his question. I could feel Travis thrust faster and harder and Ekon was causing me to gag and loose breath. I started to whimper and whine signing that I need to breath and Ekon just ignored it and thrusted harder and sloppier, I knew Ekon was close to finishing so I started to bob my head as he thrusted I felt Travis get sloppy with his thrust too and I could feel my high getting close. I felt Ekon's cum shoot into my mouth and he pulled out and Travis came soon after and i was left panting and numb. They untied and my blindfold was untied then Travis got a warm washcloth and Ekon got up and grabbed me some water, he came back and handed it to me "You did so good baby girl. Here move over a bit little girl." Ekon said cuddling closer to me with my head on his chest and then Travis came back and wiped up between my legs. Then Travis came and curled up beside us running his fingers up and down my back which sent shivers down my spine. "Look at how beautiful you are baby." Travis said and Ekon rolled over placing me between them. They kissed my cheeks and covered me up with a blanket cuddling me. "You may be a bit pregnant love" Travis whispered and I groaned singing I didn't care that I was just tired and they laughed a bit "How adorable" Ekon said. After a while Ekon started humming and Travis continued to lightly rub his fingers up and down my back, then I fell asleep. When I woke up I heard a gasp then a "DUDES WHAT THE FU—" It was Lucas then Ekon and Travis laughed and I just fell back to sleep.

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