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Warning : harsh, possessiveness, degrading, Praise, size difference, car sex

My boyfriend and I are at a birthday party for his cousin. A few hours before he and I had gotten into an argument about me texting my co-worker for assistance. He has been ignoring me and I feel I needed to do something about it, so I did. I went over to some friends of mine and danced with them, now both of my friends are gay but my boyfriend still got jealous of them and we have no clue why. I felt someone grip my arm. "Ow! What the fuck?!" I yelped and looked at who grabbed me, It was my boyfriend and for some reason he looked pissed off. "Come. Now." Thats all he said and without any thought I waved to my friends and walked off with him. "What's your problem?!" I said once we stopped walking. "MY problem? This whole party you've been dancing with other men, leaving me alone." He said, he looked calm but I knew he was pissed off at me just by his voice. "I thought you wanted to be alone... you and I got in a fight before the party so I left you to cool down, I thought thats what you wanted me to do.." I said looking down. "Like hell thats what you were doing. You were off dancing, drinking and screaming, having a blast as I was forced to sit and watch you dance with other men." "THEY'RE GAY. we've been over this babe.." I said rolling my eyes and he grabbed my face which caused my eyes to widen. " Don't roll your fucking eyes at me whore." He said after tightening his grip on my face. "Sorry." I said looking away "Good. Now get in the car." I did so after he unlocked the door and soon after he hopped in the drivers seat. It felt like an uber which felt uncomfortable for me and I don't know about him. "Spread your legs and face towards the front, and sit in the middle this isn't a damn uber" I guess he did think it felt like an uber. I listened and sat in the middle spreading my legs, causing my dress to ride up my thighs. "Y'know you're a real bitch sometimes, ignoring me and dancing with other men?" he said looking back at me. "He's fucking gay! What are you not understanding?!" i said slightly raising my voice, he then pushed on the brakes with now warning for me and i struggled to stay on the seat. "Hey watch it! I'm not buckled back here dick!" I yelped about and he looked back and slapped my thigh "Shut up. You have no reason to be screaming at me girl." He said then I froze, he looked mad, very mad but why? He knows everything about everyone I know and I wasn't even dancing on him just with him. He then climbed into the back with me and pushed my under him. "You know what, since you were be such a whore, I'll treat you like one." Then he yanked my dress up and immediately put his face between my legs starting to lick up and down my entrance. "B-Babe wha-" I cover my mouth as he shoved 2 fingers into me while licking and sucking my clit. I started moaning, so loud I thought my voice might give out. "Shit! I'm going to cum!" I started yelping and squirming, then he stopped sat up and just stared at me. "What- What the fuck?!" i said sitting up next to him. "You don't cum till I do." He said then I nodded sadly and he looked down. My eyes followed his and i looked at his lap, He was rock hard and his cock was practically begging to be used. I started to unbuckle his pants and he took them off then his boxers right after. "Go on. Do what you do best." He said and I felt him grab my hair and next thing I knew he was thrusting into my mouth not letting me breathe. I looked up at him tapping his leg wanting to breathe but he would budge he wouldn't stop he just kept going. I felt his grip on my hair tighten and he started thrusting into my mouth. After roughly 20 minutes of just thrusting i felt his cum squirt into my mouth and i lifted my head to breathe. As i was panting he gripped me by my waist and put me on top of him slowly causing him to slide inside me. I gasped still trying to get air and he started thrust without warning causing the car to shake, I felt him grab my tits and start licking them and i couldn't do anything but moan and whimper. "There you go slut, just like that keep moaning." he said between kisses on my chest. "Can I cum?! please?!" I said and he nodded "Be a good girl.. go on cum on my dick while I breed your little cunt.." He whispered in my ear causing me to go over the edge and I came all over him as he bred me. "Well, there you go" he said tossing me to the side of him, then putting his pants on and getting in the front to drive. "No- No aftercare..?" I said frowning. "Whores don't get aftercare." He said straight after looking in the back. "Oh.." I said while I crawled to the left side of the back seat and curled into a ball waiting for us to get home. I fell asleep on the drive home which caused My boyfriend to carry me inside the house. He put me on our bed and covered me up then he got on the bed spooning me till he also fell asleep.

YAYYYY 992 :C a little short but better than nothing <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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