Fifth Year Story: A party in the Highlands. Tom's POV

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Tom's POV

I look up and try to gather strength to deal with who my passengers are going to be for the next hour. Evan and the other boys had already left and Draco had taken Astoria, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle with him up to this house he rented. I looked it up after Y/N had told me about it and rolled my eyes as soon as I saw the price. Even in muggle money it was stupidly expensive. Draco was high on potions fumes if he thinks Father won't notice such a charge to his card for hiring such a place for three weeks.

I wait as patiently as I can for Y/N and her friends to head down out of the castle when I realise that Evan would be useful later, so I lean against my car, light a cigarette and enjoy the last bit of peace I'll know for at least the next hour as I text him.

I wait as patiently as I can for Y/N and her friends to head down out of the castle when I realise that Evan would be useful later, so I lean against my car, light a cigarette and enjoy the last bit of peace I'll know for at least the next hour as...

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I text Evan what I need to tell him and when he replies I nod and lock my phone slipping it into my pocket as Y/N approaches. I smile at her, pleased to see how happy she is that it's the holidays.

The things I do for her. I had spent hours planning almost every day of this holiday for us and of course at the last minute, her friends had gotten in the way. I can't help but feel a little angry with her about that but then again, she likes people, I don't. I sigh again and scratch my head as I lean against the car, trying to keep my patience in check as they fuss over their luggage. She smiles at me and I can't help but calm a little, knowing that this was a fun time for her and I needed to just keep my patience in check and just drive.

I drop them off and make sure to sternly warn my brother and Y/N and pull away heading to the cottage I'd rented. As nice as Malfoy manor is, I think I'm more of a country cottage type man and I'm looking forward to some peace and quiet to be alone with Y/N.

I sign the paperwork quickly and thank the lady for the key before turning and reversing my way back down the road. The party would have begun by now and I wanted to miss as much of it as possible. How I'd let her convince me to drive all the way back and stay the weekend I don't know. I'd planned everything out for this weekend in particular and I wanted it to be romantic. Perfect. Just us. But I was starting to learn about compromise. It didn't help that her smile and the way she practically jumped up and down like an excited toddler every time I relented made me soften. I just wanted her happy even if that meant I had to put up with crap music and loud people for a few hours. But then again, that's what fire whisky was for. Drowning out the world. Oh and silencing charms, I remind myself to put one on the bedroom door so I can actually sleep there.

No, we'd come back in a day or two once she'd spent the time she wanted with her friends and we'd get on with what I had planned. A couple of days didn't matter. I look at myself in the rear view mirror and shake my head. What has she done to me? I've softened up far too much. I like control. I like plans and being in charge and having laid out plans. Changing everything at the last minute was something I loathed.

I stop the car outside the cottage and nod, pleased that it looked exactly how it had in the advert. I unlock it and step into the small living area. Or cosy as Y/N would call it. So cosy in fact, if I was much taller, I'd bash my head off the roof. I put our main bags straight upstairs in the bedroom and look out across the land around us. We were in the middle of nowhere in private land, it would be perfect. A few protection charms and muggle deterrent charms and we'd have a nice quiet space to just relax for a couple of weeks.

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