Chapter 3

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Y/N:Check for yourself. You hand your phone to your best friend Brittany. Brittany takes the phone and looked at the pictures of Jordan kissing someone and dancing with multiple girls. You started starting crying Y/N: I haven't done anything to him at all and he does this is to me. I have known this guy for 5 years, I know we have been together only for year but we talk about having future and this is happen. Brittany I'm done, I can't do it anymore with him. Brittany: You don't deserve this at all. I'm sorry you are going through this. You have been amazing girlfriend to him. For fact he did this to you that's disrespectful. You will find someone that will treat you well. Y/N: Thanks I appreciate it. I'm going to my room and cry out my tears. I will be back in 10 minutes. Brittany: Okay, I will be here if you need me. You smiled and went your room ball your eyes out. You couldn't believe what seen on social media, your boyfriend that been dating one year is cheating on you.

Rhea POV

I hang with Finn, Damain and Dirty Dom, we discussing about what's next for The Judgement Day. I wasn't really paying attention because I was so worried about Y/N and if she had altercation with boyfriend. Damian notice I wasn't paying attention. Damian: Rhea, you good. You seem distracted. Rhea: Yeah I'm good. But I will be back, I have to make quick call. Rhea went outside to make phone call. I called Y/N and I heard voice that's haven't heard before. Rhea: Who is this? Brittany: This is Y/N's best friend Brittany, you must be Rhea. Rhea: Hey Brittany, I was just checking up on Y/N and see how she's doing. Brittany: She isn't doing well, actually you coming here and comfort her. It will be mean a lot to her. Rhea: Send me address and I will be on my way. Brittany: I will send to you now and I will see you soon. Rhea: I got it. I will see you soon. Rhea hang up on the phone and went back inside the house. Dom: Mami, is everything? Rhea: Yeah everything is fine. I'm just going to see friend for a bit but I will be back. No worries I will fill you guys later. Dom: Okay. I grab my jacket and my car key, went to see Y/N. I arrived at Y/N's house. I got out my car and walked to front door. As I approach the front door, Y/N's best friend opened the door. Brittany whispered: Hey Rhea come in. I step in the house and looked around. Rhea: Where is y/n at the moment? Brittany: She is in her room, you can headed up there. Rhea: Okay thanks. I headed upstairs and knock on y/n's door. Y/N opened the door and saw me standing there. The look that Y/N was giving me it's like she saw a ghost. Y/N: Rhea, what are you doing? Rhea: I just wanted to check up on you and see how are you doing? I talk to your friend that you weren't doing good. Is everything okay? Y/N: To be honest with you, i'm not okay. Rhea: Did you want to talk about? Y/N let me in her room. I toke a seat next to Y/N on the bed and looked her. Y/N: I found out that my boyfriend Jordan cheated on me. There was a video of him kissing someone and dancing with multiple girls. Rhea: I'm sorry that happen to you. He douchebag for doing that to you. You deserve so much better. If you want I can kick him in the nuts, people don't call me nutcracker for nothing. Y/N laugh a little, I can tell that cheer her up a bit. Y/N: Thanks. No it's okay, you don't have to. I appreciate tho. Rhea: Of course I got you. Since I'm here, did you want cuddle that didn't get last night at my house. Y/N: Yeah I would love that. I smiled at Y/N, laid behind her and cuddle her until she didn't want too.

Brittany POV

I was scrolling my phone when i heard the front door open, I looked over and Jordan enter the house. The look on his face didn't look happy at all. Jordan looked at me and give me a evil look. Jordan: Where is she? Brittany: Why?? So you can yell at her. I don't think so. Also she knows that you cheated on her. Jordan: Brittany, it's none of your business to get involved. That talk in between Y/N and I. Stay out of it. Now where is she?

Your Pov

You were enjoying your cuddle session with Rhea, for since in your life you felt comfortable. All sudden you heard some yelling downstairs, you out of bed and Rhea a bit. Rhea: Is everything okay? Y/N: Yeah I heard some yelling downstairs. I will be back. You opened your bedroom, stand over the ledge and saw Jordan standing there. Jordan looked at me with smile on his face. Jordan: There is my girlfriend. How about you come down there, so we can talk. Y/N: So you can lie about what you did at your friend's house. I will come down there to grab my keys from you because you aren't welcome in this house anymore. You went to downstairs to face your boyfriend. Jordan: Babe, you know how my friends are. They make me do stupid thing, you know I love you. Y/N: If you love me you won't have cheated on me. I don't want to hear it Jordan. We are done, hand over the keys. As Jordan was about to hand you the keys to the house, he saw Rhea come out of the bedroom. Jordan: What the hell is she doing here? Did you screw her? Did she tell you to break up with me. I knew you were into girls but never in million you will go after someone like. You didn't let me sentence, you slap him across his face. Y/N: I don't even finish that sentence. At least I had someone to check on me after what I witness you doing. If you were my boyfriend, you have call me or come over right now as soon that happen but instead you decided few hour while i was ball my eyes out all morning. I don't want to hear it. I never see you again. Do me favour and get out of my life forever. You grab the key out his hand and opened the front door. Jordan: You are going regret it. Y/N: No I won't. Get hell out and my life. Jordan left the house and slammed the door. Rhea came down to give you a hug. You started balling your eyes out, Rhea rub her hands through your hair. Rhea: Everything will be okay. It's over. Brittany and I are so proud of you how you handle that. Brittany: Rhea is right, you handle that very well. You did a good job. . Rhea: Let me take you something. What do you say? Y/N: I would love that. Rhea: Let me make call quick and I will be back. Y/N: Okay. Rhea gives a kiss on the forehead and left to phone call to The Judgement Boyz. Brittany: I know you just got of relationship but the way Rhea treat you this situation. I love that. Y/N: I don't want to think about that right now. Rhea came back from outside and closed the door. Rhea: The plan is arranged and get some sporty gear, then we will head out. Y/N: Okay. You went upstairs to change in sporty clothes.

Rhea POV

Brittany: Thank you being there for her. It means a lot. Rhea: Of course that's what i here for. Maybe down the line she will be my girlfriend. Y/N downstairs with sweatpants and zip hoodie. Y/N: I'm ready to go. I smiled and extend my had out, Y/N grab my hand. Brittany: You guys have fun. Rhea: We will. Y/N and I left the house and walked to my trunk. I opened the door for Y/N and close it for her before I entered my trunk. I handed Y/N a tie. Rhea: Put this over your eyes, I don't want you to know where we are going? Y/N put on the tie over her eyes and I started driving.

20 minutes later......... 

We arrived at the WWE Performance Centre, I parked the car message The Judgement Boyz that we have arrived. I got out of my car and open passenger seat. Rhea: We have made it. Y/N got out of the car and toke my hand, walked with me to the WWE performance centre. I opened the for door for and we both entered the performance centre. Rhea: You can remove your tie off your face. Y/N removed my tie off her face.

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