Chapter 5

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Y/N: What the hell you are doing here? Jordan: I came to watch Monday Night Raw and see beautiful my girlfriend. Jordan walked towards me, I toke step back. Y/N: I'm not your girlfriend and don't come near. Jordan: What are you going to do call Rhea to save you. As I'm looking around I don't see anyone that can help you. Jordan continued getting close to me, looked up and I saw Dominik, Rhea, Damian, Finn, and JD coming out the arena. Dominik looked my direction and I was in danger, he drop his stuff. He ran over, tackled Jordan on the floor, security came to break them up. Dom: I advise you leave her alone before things get ugly. Jordan: If I don't, what are you going to do about it. Dom: Well you see my friends over there waving, you meet them at the bar when you harass Y/N. If you don't wanted us whoop your ass. Stay away from Y/N. Jordan looked at me and said this isn't over. Jordan left the parking lot, you were so in shocked and scared in what happen. Dom give you hug, he could tell that you were scared because i was shaking. Dom: It's okay, he gone. Everything will be okay. Y/N: How do you know? He knows where I live pretty much. What happen he comes again. Dom: Yo Tim, can you stay with Y/N for a second. I have to do something quick, I will be back. Tim: Sure thing Mr. Mysterio. Tim was one of the security that broke the fight between Dominik and Jordan. Dom: I will be back, I'm going to talk Rhea, Finn, Damian and JD. Y/N: Okay. Dom went to Rhea, Finn, Damian and JD and he came back. Dom: Alright Rhea offered you stay her place for the time being until you find a new place. You cool with that. You couldn't stop blushing and smile that Rhea offered you to stay with her in time being. Y/N: I'm okay with that. Dom smiled at me and grab my suitcase. Dom: Let's go to them. Dom and I went walked to Rhea, Damian, Finn, JD, They give a hug and I hug them. Rhea: You okay?? Y/N: Yeah i'm okay. JD: We are glad you are okay. Let's go the hotel because my legs are getting cold. You left the arena and went back to hotel. I didn't go my hotel room, i was afraid that Jordan was going to stay break in my room, so I stayed in the same room as Rhea. Rhea and I enter her hotel room. I toke a seat on the bed, Rhea sat next to me and her arm around me. Rhea: Did he hurt at all. Y/N: No he didn't, if it was Dom, i don't know what Jordan would have done there. Rhea: I'm glad he didn't do anything. Y/N: Me too. Rhea: How about we watch a movie and relax on the rest of the night. Y/N: I would like that. Rhea smiled at me and I smiled at her. We toke our shoe off and snuggle in bed and turn on the TV. Rhea: What did u want watch? Y/N: I'm okay with anything. Rhea: Okay Let's watch The Dark Knight then. Rhea played the movie, put her arm around me and lay my head on her chest. I fell asleep in the middle of movie, that Rhea turn off the tv, kiss me on the head and fall asleep as well.

The next morning........

I woke up first before Rhea did, I looked at Rhea and saw her so deep sleep. I rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom. I toke a quick shower and brush my teeth. After I finished taking a shower, I put back my clothes back on and I opened the bathroom and saw Rhea on her phone. Rhea turned around and look at me with smile on her face. Rhea: Good Morning. Y/N: Good Morning. Rhea: How was your sleep? Y/N: It was good. Rhea: I'm glad you had good sleep. I smiled at Rhea and she smiled back at me. Y/N: Thank you for offer me to stay at your house. Rhea: You're welcome. Y/N: I do need grab my rest of stuff at my house before I go your house. Rhea: That's fine with me. Y/N: Perfect. Rhea: I'm going take a shower quick and can get out of this city. Y/N: Okay. Rhea got off the bed, went to take shower. You texted your best friend Brittany. The texts reads: Hey Brittany, I don't get excited but I stay with Rhea for couple days. I will explain it when I get home. I will talk to you later. You send the message. Rhea opened the bathroom and said: You ready to go. Y/N: Yeah I am. Rhea and I left hotel room, go meet with the judgement boys in the lobby. Damian: You ready ladies get out of the city and go home. Rhea: Yea we are ready. Finn: Let's roll. The Judgement left hotel and headed to airport, the seat was next Rhea. She offered you the window seat, you toke window seat and Rhea toke seat next you.

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