Chapter 9

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Rhea POV

I saw got text message from ex that dated when I was coming the WWE.

Tyler: Hey good looking, how have you been? Miss talking to you. Text me whenever.

I ignore this message, headed to the ring to get ready for my match against Tegan Nox. I slowly walked to the ring being a menace towards the fans, I was taunting Tegan Nox before I got in the ring. The match between Tegan Nox and I was solid match, I ened up winning the match and retain my title. I headed to the grollia and headed to changing room. I grab my phone and my girlfriend Y/N and see what she is up

Rhea: Hey love, what are you up to?

She replied back so quick

My Love🖤: Just work on stuff for tomorrow's show. How did you match go?

I replied back

Rhea: I was good, I'm ready to come home and cuddle with you.

My Love🖤: I'm glad the match went good. I can't wait to cuddle with you when you get home tomorrow morning.

Rhea: Depending what the boyz wants to do, if they don't want to do anything after the show. I will take flight and see you tonight instead of the next morning. So you don't have sleep alone tonight.

My Love🖤: 🥹. I love you. Don't you have to do that.

Rhea: I love you more. I know I don't have but I don't want you sleep alone.

My Love🖤: I love you so much. You have know no idea how you meant to me.

Rhea: I love you too. I will see you soon.

My Love🖤: Okay. Text me when you arrive

Rhea: I will

I text boyz in the group chat and letting going home early

The Judgement Day Group Chat⚖️

Rhea: Hey guys, I'm heading out early.  I want  to sleep in my own bed and cuddle with my girlfriend tonight. I will go out for lunch or something with you guys when you guys get back.

Dom: Okay Mami. Enjoy time with Y/N but not too much.

Rhea: Don't tell me what to do dickhead

Dom: Sorry Mami

Damian: See you when we get back. Be Safe

Rhea: I will.

Dom: Love you Mami

Rhea: Te Amo

I change out of my wrestling gear and put on my street clothes on. I put my phone in my pocket, grab my luggage and heading out the arena. Toke a uber to airport, arrived at the airport and brought a ticket. I headed home to see my beautiful girlfriend Y/N

Your POV

I was playing with dogs when I heard my phone ringing, I pick up my phone and it was my Rhea.

Babe ❤️: Just arrived at the airport. I will be home in 10 minutes. See you soon baby.

I replied back

You: See you soon.

I wanted to surprise my girlfriend with some sexy lingerie when she gets home, I headed upstairs and went to the room, looked at my clothes in the closet and I can find my best lingerie outfit. I found the perfect lingerie outfit. I went to the bathroom and put it on for Rhea. This is lingerie outfit:

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