Chapter 11

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I closed the front door quiet, so it doesn't wake up them. I turn off the tv and give Rhea kiss on the forehead. Rhea opened her eyes and look at me with smile on her face. Rhea: Did you just get home? Y/N: I got home like few minutes. Rhea: Okay, I didn't know I feel asleep. Y/N: It was adorable see how you and Zoey were sleeping. Rhea: I'm put Zoey in guest room and I will meet you in our bedroom. Y/N: Okay. Rhea pick up Zoey and brought her to the guest room. I grab my suitcase and headed upstairs, went to the bedroom and ready for bed. I put some short on sports bar and t-shirt. Rhea enter in the room, walks towards me and give me kiss on the lip. Rhea: God you are beautiful. I'm glad you are my girlfriend. Y/N: I'm glad you are my girlfriend as well. Rhea gives me smile and give me kiss on the lip, I kiss her back. Rhea: I love you. Y/N: I love you too. Rhea: Let's some sleep. Rhea got in her sleepwear and got in bed and cuddle me. We fall asleep within seconds.

The next morning..........

Rhea and I were awake just cuddling each other and each other company. I turned around and give her kiss on the lip and she kisses me back. We were about to start to make out with each other, when we heard someone knock on bedroom door. I knew it was Zoey knocking the door. Y/N: Come in Zoey. Zoey opened the door with her eyes closed. Rhea and I sat up on the bed. Zoey: Is safe to open my eyes? Y/N: Yes it is. Zoey opened her eyes and jump on the bed. Rhea: How was sleep Zoey? Zoey: It was good. How did you guys sleep? Y/N: We slept good. Rhea: Zoey, did you some pancakes or egg for breakfast. Zoey: Pancakes plz. Can i help you make it? Rhea: Of course you can. Rhea looked me and give me kiss on the cheek and Her and Zoey went downstairs to make some pancakes. I went to bathroom to wash my face before I go downstairs. I put some sweatpants and headed downstairs. I saw Zoey and Rhea in the kitchen making pancakes together, when I saw that it put smile on face and got me thinking that Rhea will be amazing mother to our kids one day. Zoey: Oh you are here. Pancakes are ready. Rhea put the pancakes on the table, walked towards the table and seat across Rhea and Zoey sat next to Rhea. Y/N: What kind of pancakes did you make? Zoey: We made some blueberry pancakes. Y/N: Okay. We started eating the pancakes and just talking to each other. As sudden Rhea's phone stared to ring, I saw the name Tyler appeared on her phone. She decline the phone and continue eating. I was starting to talking in my head. "Who is the heck is Tyler and why are they calling my girlfriend for" Rhea's phone went off with text and after that another phone call by this Tyler guy. Rhea: I have to take this. I will be back. Rhea grab her phone and went upstairs to answer the phone. I thought in my mind, "Is girlfriend cheating on me that she had to step away to answer call privately like that". Rhea came back downstairs and take a seat. Y/N: Zoey, can you give me Rhea and I time to talk for a second. Zoey: Okay. Is everything okay?? Y/N: I hope so. Zoey went upstairs to let Rhea and I talk, I looked at Rhea, she couldn't even look at me. Y/N: Who's Tyler babe? Rhea: He's just friend. Y/N: I know you aren't telling me the truth. So I'm going to ask you again. Who's the hell is Tyler? Rhea put her hand through hair before she answered me. Rhea: He's my ex-boyfriend. I was trying not  to lose my temper because I didn't want Zoey to hear us fighting. Y/N: Why is ex-boyfriend calling you? Don't you dare lie to me again. If you do lie to me or don't give me answer, I walked out this house and you won't see me until the next morning. Rhea: He called me if he wants to go for lunch. I decline it and saying I wasn't interested that I'm dating amazing person. Y/N: Okay I believe you. Be honest with next time because I thought you were cheating on me. Rhea grab my hand and look at me. Rhea: I never cheat on you. You are my girlfriend and my future wife, I never want to lose you. I lean in and give her kiss on the lip, she kissed me back and we smiled at each other. Y/N: You will never lose me either. I know you being asking about my ex-girlfriend Madison. I have no feelings for Madison but I know Madison has feelings for me but I don't want her. I have my future sitting across from me. Rhea give me kiss on the lip and I kissed her back. Rhea: I love you so much. Y/N: I love you too. Zoey yelled from top of stairs and said Is safe to come downstairs yet. Y/N: Not yet. I will let you know. Zoey: okay Y/N: I want to ask you this, if you are okay with this before I give Triple H the green lights for this new storyline I have for you. If you agree with this. We do have to make our relationship official to world. Rhea: I'm okay with announcing our relationship to the world, I trust you with the storyline. What do you have in mind for my new storyline? Y/N: Your next rival will be Zelina  Vega, this rival will lead up you guys go against each other at WWE Backlash. This rival will start on Monday Night Raw when I announce your next rival on Monday and Zelina will interrupt me. Rhea: I like the idea. What does it have to do with our relationship? Y/N: You will find out on Monday Night Raw and us making official to the world, it will build the storyline. Rhea: Okay make sense. Was this your plan or Zelina Vega plan? Y/N: It was kinda both of our plans. I need your help to build tho. Rhea: Okay. What did you need to do? I love it already because I get to be in storyline with my beautiful girlfriend. Y/N: I need you come to office and you and I will make out, then we have Zelina Vega interrupt us and how the rival start. Rhea: I love already it. Y/N: Good. Rhea gives kiss on the lip and I kiss her. Rhea: I love you. Y/N: I love you too. Rhea: Let's take Zoey to the park and spend time with her. We will take a picture at the park. Y/N: Let's do that. Rhea: Okay. Y/N: Hey Zoey, get ready we are going to park. Zoey: The park. YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! Zoey went to some clothes on, Rhea washed the dishes and I went to get ready for the park. I put the some blue ripped jeans and crop top, I fixed my hair, Rhea walk in the bathroom and starting kissing my neck from behind. Y/N: Rhea, not right now. Zoey can come in the any minute. Rhea: Just give me five minutes to taste my sexy girlfriend's pussy. I closed the bathroom door with my leg, turn around and face Rhea. Y/N: You got five minutes. Rhea lick her teeth, pick me up and put on my sink countertop. She started kissing my sweet spot on my neck, slowly unbuckle my jeans and slides her finger down my pant, starting fingering me. Rhea: You are always so wet for me. Rhea knew I was starting moaning, she put her hand on my mouth, so I don't make a noise, she put two fingering inside me. Rhea: You like when fingering your pussy like that. I nodded, she went a faster, I want to moan so bad but i didn't want Zoey hear me. Rhea remove her hand off my mouth and make her down to my pussy. She pulled my pants down and my panties and started licking my clit as she was still fingering at the same time. Y/N: Fuck, that feel so good. Keep going. She continue licking and sucking my clit while fingering me. Rhea: Cum on my tongue baby. I was so close, she continued, it feel soo good. Y/N: I'm going cum. I released the orgasm, Rhea made her way back and give me kiss on the lip, I kissed her back. They pulled back and smile at her each other. Rhea: God, you taste so good. Let's get ready. Y/N: okay. I pulled up on my panties and my jeans up, left the bedroom so Rhea can get ready. I headed to downstairs, saw Zoey on her pad ready to go, I toke a seat next to her and give kiss on her head. Y/N: What are you playing? Zoey: I'm playing some candy crush, I'm on level 250. Y/N: You already on level 250. Zoey: Yup. Rhea make her way down, looking hot as always. Rhea: You ladies ready to go. Y/N: You ready to go. Zoey: Yeah. Zoey put her iPad down on the crouch and her shoes on. We opened the door and headed to the park, we decided to walk to the park because it wasn't that long from the house. We arrived at the park, Zoey went to play on the slide. Rhea and I sat on the bench and watch her and talk. Rhea: This is nice, just enjoy the beautiful weather with you and Zoey. What could go wrong. As Rhea said that one of Jordan's best friends approach us, he was doing some lap around the park shirtless. Cole: Oh Y/n, fancy to see you.

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