Chapter 6

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Rhea POV

Y/N and I walked in the garden, the hostess was at the podium. Hostess: Welcome to The Garden, how can i help? Rhea: We have reservation for 7. Hostess: What's the name that is under? Rhea: Rhea Ripley. Hostess: Yes. Just follow me and i will bring you guys to your table. Y/N and I follow the hostess to our table, the hostess place our menu on the table. Hostess: Here is your table, your waiter will be here soon. Y/N: Thank you. This how the restaurant look like:

The waiter arrived at our table as we are looking in the menu

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The waiter arrived at our table as we are looking in the menu. Waiter: Welcome to the Garden, I'm Thomas your waiter for tonight, can start you ladies with drinks. Rhea: I will have glass of Rose. Waiter: Rose for you and for you madam. Y/N: I also have Rose as well. Waiter: Two Rose coming right up. Are you guys deciding on food? Rhea:Yes we are. Waiter: Okay I will be back with your drinks. Rhea: Thank you. The waiter went to get our drinks and I got to know Y/N. I was so nervous on this date, i don't know why. I have been dates before, so i don't know why i'm bloody nervous. Rhea: Do you have any dogs? Y/N: Yes but it's my parent's dog. Rhea: Nice. what's the dogs name? Y/N: Lola. Rhea: That's cute name. Y/N: Thanks. Waiter comes back with our drinks. Waiter: Here is your drink. Did you ladies decide what you want for food? Rhea: We are going share sushi. Waiter: Okay. What kind of Sushi? Y/N; We have California roll and Spicy Tuna roll. Waiter: California Roll and Spicy Tuna Roll. Anything else?? Y/N: That will be everything. Waiter: I will let the chef get started with your food. Rhea: Thank you. Waiter: No problem. The waiter toke the menu and walked away. My cell phone started buzzing, I looked at my phone quick and saw it was text from Damian

Damian: How's the date going? Did you ask her to be your girlfriend?

I put my phone back in my pocket and focus my attention back to Y/N. Rhea: I appreciate you coming on this date with me tonight. Y/N: Of course. I'm glad you asked me. Rhea: There is something I want ask you tho. I don't want you to think I'm pressuring you Y/N: Okay. I put my hands through my hair before i asked her. Rhea: Y/N will you be my girlfriend? Y/N: Yes I will be your girlfriend. I lean over the table to give Y/N a kiss on the lip and she kissed me back. We pulled back and smiled at each other. Our food arrived at perfect because my stomach was getting hungry. The waiter place our food on the table. Waiter: Enjoy the food. Rhea: Thank you. Y/N and I toke a bite from California roll first. Y/N: What's something you like about wrestling in the WWE? Rhea: That's good question. You know it's performing in front crowd. Y/N: I love that. What's motto? Mami always is on top. Rhea: You got it right. Other than working that so damn good at WWE. What do you do on your free time? Y/N: I like going run, spending time with my family when I can. Rhea: I love that. The waiter comes back to take the plates. Waiter: Would that be everything or did you ladies want any dessert? Y/N: Can we have Red Velvet Cake? Waiter: I will be back with that. Y/N: Thanks. Rhea: You like Red Velvet as well. Y?N: it's my favourite. The waiter comes back with pieces of red velvet cake and two fork. The waiter: Here is the red velvet cake that you order. I will be back with bill shortly. The waiter left and you guys Red Velvet cake together. I was feeding the cake to Y/N and she was doing to same to me. We finished the cake and the waiter came back with the bill. Waiter: How was cake? Rhea: It was good. Waiter: That's good to hear. I pulled out my wallet for the dinner. Waiter: You ladies have wonderful night. Y/N: Thank you. You as well. The waiter toke the bill and left. Rhea: You ready to go. Also can you drive back home. Y/N: Yeah I can. I toke her hand and left the restaurant. We waited for the Valet to bring my truck. I text Damian back.

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