Waah a paradigm? (𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓲𝓼 𝓪 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓰𝓶)

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You need to be able to know where you are now, and where you are going. Your present results have nothing to do with your future, and to where you are going.
So who are you?
No not your names. Those are names, that are associates of you.
We are Spiritual beings, we are a soul we don't have one we are one, our soul is past, present and future. We have Spiritual, Intellectual, Emotional and Physical factors. We are Spiritual beings gifted with magnificent mental tools, we call it Intellect. It is how we use our Intellectual factors that will dictate our Emotional state; and our Emotional state very likely dictates our Behaviour. (Physical state)

When most people think of the Mind, they think of the Brain, but the brain isn't just the mind anymore than a fingernail is. The Brain is an Electronic switching station that you set up to create Vibrations. Vibrations is what causes the way you act; your vibrations dictate what you attract. Everything that comes into your life once you have emotional understanding is what you attract.

The Mind is spilt into two categories, Conscious and Subconscious

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The Mind is spilt into two categories, Conscious and Subconscious. The Conscious mind gives you the ability to CHOOSE, and your Subconscious is your THINKING MIND (feelings mind)
Most individuals have hooked up their Conscious mind with their Sensory factors, but what exactly do I mean by that? What do most people think? Well they think to what's going on inside of them, their sensory factors are picking up on that information.

 The Conscious mind gives you the ability to CHOOSE, and your Subconscious is your THINKING MIND (feelings mind)Most individuals have hooked up their Conscious mind with their Sensory factors, but what exactly do I mean by that? What do most peopl...

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All this information gets fed into the conscious mind, by creating pictures, which get turned over to the Subconscious mind, (feeling mind) and that's what causes you to feel the way you feel. What you think about can impress upon the Subconscious and control the Vibration you're in.

You can take charge, you have the power to block out anything that you do not wish to be inside of your subconscious. You can choose what you put in there. You look at something you don't like, you reject it and move on. Literally. "I don't like that" "I don't wanna hear that" and move on with your life.
So this leads us into the Term 'Paradigm'
A baby/child is learning, storing, and doing what they are programmed to do up until 4-5 years of age.
What do I mean by that.
A mother won't give her baby bananas to eat, simply because she doesn't like them, by the time the child is about 4-5 years of age, they too won't like bananas due to learned and stored behaviour, conditioned from the mother, of her not liking bananas. By the ages of 4/5 the Mind is already programmed, by different ideas going in over and over and over again, they become fixed in your mind, and that is what we call a Paradigm, and it is at those ages there, where you start to Think. Your Paradigm is what causes your behaviour and your results and our logic.
Our Paradigms literally control the way how we think, you can think anything you want to, do not let your Paradigm control you. It is however, a beautiful concept once you learn to understand it, and how it works.
Now let's look into some early examples of a Paradigm Shift. Back in the days we never once thought to fly a plane because anything heavier than air is attracted towards the centre of the Earth. (That is logic) It was so Irrational and Illogical, to believe or even think that heavy tones of metal carrying individuals could be flying through the skies, but we're doing it though. In other terms our Paradigm controls what we perceive as Logic. So if we want to shift that we have to start thinking about things that seem completely illogical, if we look at where we are and where we want to be going we have to create ideas in our minds that can be daunting or scary. If your future goals do not scare, but excite you simultaneously, then it's probably not a good goal. What do you really want to do? Furthermore, what is your Soul calling you to do?

Be open to change, be open to changing your life.
Life is fluid. Meaning, it can flow slowly or quickly, and it can change course at any given time. You cannot stop a river from flowing or a wave from crashing, and it's the same with life, change is expected, so all those who love a routine. I.e. having a cup of tea at exactly 07:00Am everyday while reading a newspaper, it's a stagnant way of living, be open and free to switching up your routine. Be open to associating with different people, the foods you eat, change everything.
Now you decide after this information if you want to step back into safety or if you're going to step forward into growth, so that we can become the greatness, that's already planted inside of us.

Take this moment now to reflect and take a trip back to childhood memories, because that is where you will find your Paradigm. Take a real deep look into your childhood environment, who was present? what culture did you follow? what religion? what believes? what conversations where happening? what where peoples thoughts on money? how was your living circumstances?
Take a look into your ancestors. Hmm how did I get there? Welp, ah likkle bit ah energy from your mum and ah Likkle bit of energy from your dad, dem set and form together, then Boom, you appeared. (Energy from mum and dad forms together to create you) All of mum and dads DNA and Characteristics, were in that bit of energy and is now manifested into you. That's why you have some of their traits or synchronies and often can resemble them too. A lot of how we think comes from them, our parents, grandparents, great grandparents and so on.
some people wash their raw chicken before prepping it to cook, bake or fry, and others don't. Some people eat raw carrots pealed and some unpeeled, or some don't even eat it raw at all they steam or boil it. It's all Paradigm!
What were the conversations that people were having around you as a baby or child? what were their thoughts on income? What were their thoughts on love and relationships? did you eat around a diner table? did you wash clothes in a washing machine or by hand, What seeds were planted in your subconscious mind? Can you now see that it's, a repetition of these thoughts going through our minds over and over again that has programmed us! You really need to know and understand how Paradigms were formed if you are going to be able to change them.

Comes from the Greek word
Which means Pattern or Example
(Thought Patterns, Subconscious Conditioning)

Paradigm Shift
- A Radical change in one's basic assumptions about an approach to something.

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