Suh waah di next step? (𝓢𝓸 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓲𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓷𝓮𝔁𝓽 𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓹)

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Take back power over your life!

The way we live is according to our Program. Did we pick it? Or did someone do it for you?
Why don't you change your results?
Do you study? Do you research? If so, how much time do you spend studying? What do we know if we learn everyday?

Being Spiritual isn't something to just talk about in the Church, Mosque or Synagogue. Where is Spirit? Spirit is Omnipresent, Spirit is evenly present in all places at the same time. Spirit is powerful.
You have Infinite Potential!
So what are you doing with it?
How are you honouring it?

No matter how big our accomplishments are we never think highly of ourselves, there always has to be a "right, what's the next step", or the approval of others who in all, are just like us. We need people to convince us that we are not as bad as we think.
We can never completely rid those annoying likkle voices in our heads, just think of them as likkle gremlins that don't want you to see your greatness. As annoying as those voices of self doubt can be, the bright side is that you can over power them and take back control over the quality of our lives!

There are many things we were not taught in school; two of which I'll touch on is 'How to make decisions' and 'How to make money'

The more money you have, the more efficient and effective you become. Now you need to understand that there are only 2 Powers you have with money, which are,
1- to make you comfortable
2- it enables you to extend the service you are rendering far beyond your own physical presence.
(You do not make money by working, you make money from Acts of Service.)
The more comfortable you are, the more creative you will become, and being spiritual your purpose is to help others so that your blessings flow to you freely.
You cannot keep hold, of money, matter of a fact if you try to keep a hold of it, you will loose it. It's really a paradox isn't it? But, if you understand the laws it won't be. You will even begin to realise that you are a distributor to this power. You have co-created abilities, you are power, you are powerful, and we all have these abilities locked up inside of us. Let them out and shine.
There are no shortcuts, or a pot of Luck, but you can Quantum leap, through the transpires of experience and information. 
We were all conditioned to lie to ourselves. Many beliefs, as stated before are passed from generation to generation.
Robert Heinlein states "In Absence Of Clearly Defined Goals, We Become Strangely Loyal To Performing Daily Trivia, Until We Ultimately Become Enslaved To It"
The older we become, we come to the realisation that life does not really add up and nothing really makes sense. We get bad results. But we are not short on knowledge we are short on discipline and behavioural patterns. When we don't feel good we tend to lower our standard of life. NEVER LOWER YOUR STANDARDS BECAUSE OF YOUR STATUS OF INCOME! Make that conscious decision to match your status of income to your status of living.

So why is it that some people are always winning, and some people are always losing?
It has nothing to do with them coming from a rich family or them completing university, or them getting a handout, it is all about mindset.
There are people who are absolutely brilliant, but are broke, and then there are some who are ignorant, illiterate but extremely comfortable, rich and wealthy.  So why is it that someone who has not gone to school, hasn't kept a job, isn't highly polished, but yet enormous winners. While some with degrees up to their necks, and just still can't seem to make it.
Well, some people just set that topic aside and say "welp that's the way life is supposed to be" or they think that there isn't an answer to it.
But it is an answer that I believe everyone can understand, and once we understand it truly, we can live comfortably, abundantly in prosperity with good health, and really live, Heaven here on Earth.
Now, I was always losing no matter what I tried or put my mind to it never worked out. I always had hate or envy, no matter what I try to push out to the world, I was always the villain in someone's novel. I was always the black sheep, until I realised, I ain't no sheep!
I didn't fit in with the crowd. I didn't conform, then all of a sudden just like that I started to win my whole life transformed. Just like that, what I touched, it just turned to Gold. I started to illuminate the lives of people everywhere I go, I illuminate everything, that has a breath, and I pour positivity into them.
What happened? Well, I wasn't Lucky! I started and did shift my Paradigm.
You have to want this for you! To break that cycle! To break that chain! To break generational patterns! In order to change and Learn you need a teacher, not just any teacher, one that you are drawn to, to help you learn a new way of life, you need to do YOUR own research, please, do not just follow someone else's teachings! Take what resonates with you, and keep learning to reveal more about yourself.

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