Chapter 3

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It'd been three days since I'd found the journal. I was still trying to think of a plan to get to Gravity Falls, but Oregon was all the way across the country!

The rain had stopped, so I decided I needed to clear my head and take a nice long walk through the city. We lived in a small apartment in Brooklyn, which I usually didn't go too far from. If I got in a fight, I knew I wouldn't last long, so I stayed close enough that I could get home before I was beat up too bad. Learned that lesson when I was eight.

I'd snuck the journal out of the house. I could hear Stanley's snores even as I was making my way out the door. I didn't bother leaving him a note. He'd just throw it away anyway. Besides, what did he care?

As I walked down the street, I flipped through the journal. I didn't believe it. It was all about magical creatures and junk. It sounded like a fariytale to me. But I knew Gravity Falls was real. Maybe it was just to attract tourists. Just one of those books you get at State Parks or Rest Stops or Gift Shops. I sighed, putting the book back in my vest.

"Hello, Dipper," said a voice to my left.

I sighed, not having to turn my head to see who it was. "So they ended up not throwing you in jail?" I asked. "Did you're dad have to save you?"

Gideon laughed. "Everyone else believes I'm innocent. I guess I appear too cute to be mad at."

I kicked a rock. "Yeah, if they only knew what kind of monster you were beneath."

Gideon shrugged. "You're the only one, Dipper."

"Yeah, I know," I muttered. "Now what do you want?"

Gideon giggled. Ugh! I hated that! "Why, Dipper," he said. "You know I would never hurt you."

I snorted. "Have you met you?"

Gideon rolled his eyes. "Anyways, I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted yesterday."

I snorted. "You? Apologize?"

"It may surprise you," Gideon said. "But I care deeply for the wellness of others."

"Shut up, Gideon," I said. "I really just want you to leave me alone."

Gideon faked a hurt look. "And we were getting along so well." He snapped his fingers and four hands grabbed my arms, pinning them against my back. "Hey!" I protested, trying to get free. There were two guys who looked like boxers over me. I gulped. "What did I ever do to you?"

Someone cuffed me on the ear so hard that it started ringing. I squeezed my eyes shut. Please not this again!

I was shoved hard to the ground and the journal fell out of my vest pocket, skittering to a stop, right at Gideon's feet. I tried to scrambled over to it before Gideon got a hold of it, but one of the guys sat on my, pinning me in place.

"What's this?" Gideon asked, grabbing the journal. "A diary?"

The two boys snickered. "Give it back," I said the best I could with the guy sitting on me. He was cutting off my air. I gasped for breath.

Gideon simply snickered along and opened the journal. "What in the world?" He frantically started flipping through the pages. He was muttering to himself, but I couldn't understand a word he was saying. He eventually shut the book and stuffed it in his coat pocket. "Thanks for the book, Dipper," he said with a sneer. He motioned for the two boys to follow him as he left me, gasping for air and journaless.


Waddles and I made our way through town. The summer day felt perfect. One of those days were you sat under a tree and took a nice long nap.

I walked into Wendy and Soos's automobile repair shop. Outside of working at the Mystery Shack, the two of them weren't the richest people in the world, so they worked two jobs. Since Wendy's family was so poor, she was usually wearing hand me downs from her older cousins, which were all boys. Her used-to-be-white button bown shirt and trousers that it was tucked into was covered in dark black oil. Her red rair was pulled back from her smeared face and sweat poured down her face, but she still smiled at me. "Hey, Mabel," she said, waving a wrench at me.

Soos, who still lived with his gramdmother, looked equally tired. "How's it going, Hambone?"

I shrugged. "Good, I guess."

"What's wrong?" Wendy asked me.

I hesitated. They were two of my closest friends, but I didn't want to tell them about the journals or the picture book I found. "Oh, just some guy drama. Nothing new."

I saw Wendy smirk as she screwed in a bolt on the hood of the car they were working on. "I feel you," she said. "Last night, Robert Valentino tried to follow me home. I hit him pretty hard with a wrench, but he'll be back."

Waddles started to chew on the scrap metal laying around the garage. I didn't stop him. He'd just do it anyway. There's a reason most people don't treat pigs like dogs. I scratched his head lovingly. "What about you, Soos?" I asked. "Any special girls in your life?"

Soos snorted. "Not really."

"Oh, so you mean there is," I pressured.

He rolled his eyes. "Oh, I met this girl at the dinner last night, but she lives in Portland, so it won't work out."

I could hear the pain in his voice. "You could move to Portland with her," I said. "We'd miss you, but at least you'd be happy."

Soos shrugged, replacing a tire. "I don't really think that life's for me. I almost don't have enough money to provide for me and Grandma. Imagine getting married, having kids....No, it's out of the question."

"Oh," I said quietly. After a moment of silence, I asked, "So what was her name?"

Soos sighed. "Melody." The way he said it made it sound like he was talking about chocolate.

"So, who was the guy chasing you down?" Wendy asked, breaking the silence again.

I shrugged. "Don't know. Never seen him before in my life."


Yay!! I updated!!

I'm hoping to get some MabelxMermado in this because they are honestly my otp, so I'm still wondering if I'll make him human or keep him a merman.
And I've stalled Dipper's journey to Gravity Falls for a few chapters, but it'll be for something big.

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