Chapter 21

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We didn't see Gideon after that for a long time. Everything slowly went back to normal. Well, if you consider hunting the supernatuaral normal.

Dipper slowly became more open around me. I can't explain how happy that made me. When he first came, he was so stiff and jumpy, but now he even allowed me to hold his hand. This was a huge step for him. It showed he trusted me not to hurt him. He allowed me to do something that no one else got to do.

I was eating breakfast when I heard a crash come from upstairs. I jumped up and ran to our room to see what was the matter.

Dipper was on the floor,under a big harry monster. He was still in his pajamas. I grabbed the nearest journal and began to look for what the heck this thing was!

I found it. An Ursa Major. Big bear was a pretty good name for this creature. I scanned the book for weaknesses.

Dipper let out a yelp and I glanced up to see the bear's mouth wide open. He was gonna bite Dipper's head off!

"Hey!" I screamed. "Leave him alone."

The bear stopped and turned to me. He licked his lips and started walking over to me. I backed up a few steps until my back hit the wall. This was going to be the end of me.

Suddenly, Stanford bursted into the room holding some sort of futuristic weapon. A beam of light shot out and hit the bear straight in the chest. It disinegrated instantly.

Dipper and I both forgot about our near death experience. We gaped at our grandfather. He shrugged and started to walk back dowstairs. We ran up to him. "Grandpa Stanford, that was amazing!" Dipper said, smiling.

"Where did you get that gun thingy?" I asked, pointing to his weapon.

"That doesn't matter. What does is if you kids are okay?"

Dipper and I nodded. Maybe a little shaken up, but okay. Well, until I noticed Dipper had shards of glass in his skin. "Dipper, your bleeding!"

He glanced down at his left arm. The window in our room had shattered, spraying Dipper with glass shards.

"We'd better take care of that," Ford said. He gently put an arm around his grandson and led him to the bathroom.


I gritted my teeth as Mabel and Ford picked the shards of glass out of my skin. I tried to ignore it, but it hurt.

"Just a few more," Mabel reasured. She was cleaning out my wounds and bandaging them up. She gave me a small smile. "That must have been a rude awakening."

I gave her a small smile in return. "Yeah," I answered simply.

Ford removed the last price of glass out of my arm and it was quickly cleaned up.

"There!" Mabel said with a smile. "All better."

I jumped up off the sink. "Thanks." I glanced down at the bandages. The cuts hurt, but I'd live with it.

"Well, I've gotta get back to work," Ford said. He turned to leave, picking up the gun.

"Ford?" I said, stopping him. "What is it exactly that your doing?"

Ford sighed and turned to me. "I'm sorry, Dipper, but I'm not allowed to say."

I shrugged, expecting an answer like that. "Okay."

He ruffled me hair. "You two stay out of trouble, okay?"

"We will," Mabel promised. He ruffled her hair too. "See you two at dinner." He turned and went downstairs.

I glanced a Mabel. She was giving me a huge grin. "What?" I asked.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I shrugged. Her smile grew. "Operation See what Ford's up to!"

I shook my head. "We shouldn't..."

"Why?" Mabel asked.

I shrugged. "He won't tell us, so it must be a pretty big secret. I don't think-"

"Oh, come on!" Mabel said, grabbed me by my uninjured arm. She pulled me along with her downstairs. "It won't take too long and he won't even notice we're there!"

"Where does he work anyways?" I asked Mabel.

"The basement," Mabel says.

"Grunkle Stan has a basement?" I asked.

"It's super creepy down there," Mabel said with a smirk. "Flickering lights, stange machines, test tubes, chemicals."

"Are you sure we should go down? I feel like we'd be violating-"

"Fine!" Mabel said, letting go of my arm. "If you're too chicken to ge down there, I'll go myself...and I won't let you know anything about it!" We were already downstairs and she opened the door to the basement. She started to walk down. I bit my lip. I didn't want to make Ford mad, but curiosity got the best of me. I followed Mabel down into the basement, already knowing I would regret it.

A shorter chapter. Sorry if it sounds rushed, but I decided to update before going to bed. So night y'all!

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