Mystic Academy Pt2: Age certification.

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Who's who in the little dorms:
Well in this case it's who is who on the floor that Daisy and her friends will be on as there are two floors dedicated to the dorms for the littles. You will hear some other guardians names but they aren't as important as those on Daisy's floor.
Destiny/Kyama: She's in charge of the youngest Littles 0-4. Kyama or Kya as she likes to go by is her Dragon. Don't mess with her Littles, she will eat you. Literally. She ate two abusive Doms who had become abusive towards their littles and their parents for raising such assholes.

Jason/Tide: he looks after the Littles who regress to 5-7. Tide is his fae. He also helps look after the 0-4 Littles from time to time. He's the biggest softy. He recently lost his little sister Annie and is still mourning her. Tide has been acting out and has become very possessive of his Littles. He doesn't want anything to happen to them like it did Annie. She was only 8 years old.

Hunter: He's a moody Vampire who looks after the 8-10 year old Littles. He maybe moody to everyone but he doesn't let anything happen to the Littles in his care ever they are the only ones he's less moody towards. A lot of people underestimate him and his vampire. He won't hesitate to deal with those who hurt his Littles or even cause them to be scared. He two has dealt with abusive parent doms in the past.

Daisy's Friends:
Atria/Willow: she is a gentle soul who will surprise everyone in the coming chapters. Her fae is called Willow although Atria doesn't know this yet. She is the youngest out of her friends at having just hit 15 and 3/4s

Cassie: A fiery redheaded vampire who tends to speak way too fast. Don't let that fool you though, her Vampire spirit is yet to awaken and when she does chaos happens. But is it good or bad? Cassie is younger than Reid but older than both Daisy and Atria.

Reid/Ultan: Reid is the oldest out of his friends, he's 2 weeks from turning 16 and due to shift soon seeing as he knows his wolfs name. Ultan becomes an important part of all 4 of their lives and has an interesting message for Daisy. What could it be??

Once we were all through the portal all looking a bit dishevelled we were in what looked like the cafeteria. Looking around I saw three people standing along side Miss Rachel. They all seemed nice aside from one guy who I could tell was a vampire, he looked so grumpy and kind of mean. Yet I was told never judge someone on their looks alone especially Vampires.

I was standing next to my new friends as I spotted Mila walking in whisper something to Miss Rachel and then standing next to her. Miss Rachel clapped her hands loudly getting all of us to quieten down. "Alright my little angels! It time for you all to get tested to see your ages and then you will meet your new guardians! Now I'm going to divide you all up down the middle and one half stays here while the other half goes with Mila here to another room so we can do the testing quicker. If you are with the other group you will be placed and then taken to the east wing of the 3rd floor and if you remain here you will go to the north wing of the 3rd floor" she said with a smile on her face.

With that she waves her hand and half of us stayed put while the other half vanished along with Mila. I giggled loudly at this along with a few others watching people just vanish with a pop.

Doors behind Miss Rachel and the three on the stage opened and 2 people in white coats walked in.
"Ok my remaining angels these will be your guardians" she pointed to the three standing to her left.

She continued "if you are placed as a 0-4 little your Guardian will be Destiny and her Dragon Kyama" a rather tall girl with shocking purple and blue hair and grey eyes flashing green showing her dragon smiled and waved at everyone.

"if you are placed as 5-7 You will be with Jason and his Fae Tide" A guy with brown hair and blue eyes stepped forward his eyes flashing bright blue showing that Tide was present waved,

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