The unknown

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Unknown POV:
My plan to get her on my side wasn't working. So I chose the other route. I knew she had just come into her abilities. Several of her friends had. Hers was the easiest to manipulate though seeing as we were the same species. Now you're probably thinking I'm a sick bastard for manipulating a little and well, Yes yes I am. Do I care? Eh no not really. Do others I am working with Care? Yes but things aren't being done and they need to be.

I have been watching her for months now. I will admit she is stubborn. She has no clue I'm even doing this to her.
I have a feeling however someone close to her has a feeling something is going on. That's the problem with us supernaturals, we always pick up on things a lot faster than humans. I hate humans! But sadly for this plan to work me and so many others have joined together to make this happen.

When we are done with them we will let the no good, we don't want fight anymore supernaturals kill them. It's going to be a bloody mess and I cannot wait to see what happens.

I bet you are wondering who I am? Well I wouldn't be an evil genius if I gave it away. I have a feeling someone I know has spotted me, I can't be entirely sure though. That won't stop me from getting things done. For they have no idea what is about to hit them at the next full moon in 3 days time.

Sleep well while you can my sweet children. For your days are numbered and many of you will suffer at my groups hands. And there is nothing you can do to stop it. The only one who can Is dead! And has been for 400 years! He didn't know when to stop either. Now his family line is dead and gone it makes this SO much easier.


Hunter POV:
3 weeks had passed since Cassie had flipped out and she seem to be her normal self right now. I have been following her discreetly a few times she nearly caught me but I was able to just get around it by saying I had the same classes as her just this week for her own protection. Don't get me wrong I was concerned about my sort of niece either way she is still one of the littles in my charge even if she is allowed to stay with Millie and Millie bring my twin sister.

When any of our Littles move in with their dominant we are still in charge of their welfare but from a distance. As their primary carers become their dominants. We are just to make sure they are still being looked after correctly as in the past there have been issues with Dominants turning abusive on their littles and none of us stand for that.

I know for a fact Destiny last year her dragon ate two dominants who abused their Littles then ate the parents of the dominants. That bit I laughed at because she said Amethyst said it was because they raised idiots. I've also had to deal with some obnoxious Dominants to protect the littles under my care.

Something is going on with the littles others have been acting up as well. I was speaking to the guardians of other littles some a school year or two above us and even they are concerned something isn't right. Maybe it's because the full moon is in 3 days that usually makes us a bit unhinged but not massively.

I was in one of the little classes I have to be apart of even though currently I do not have a little and this voice came into my head. It wasn't my spirit because it just sounds like me just deeper this was female. •Be careful. Look out for the younger two. Things are not what they seem• then it was gone. What the hell did that mean?!

Either way a warning is a warning I need to call a meeting with all the guardians. If an emergency meeting is called we can be excused from classes so I sent the message out for after lunch.
•••• Message to First Year Guardians•••
All first Year guardians to meet on the 4th floor common area after lunch.
Emergency meeting being called by Hunter guardian of north wing Littles ages 8-10.
All I had to do now was see who showed up.

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