Hazels and Gia's Visit

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(So this is a slightly different chapter more like a fill in to the next one because I wanted to add a bit of a background to it. I wasn't going to add it but as I started writing it made more sense. Seeing as Hazel passed away already i wanted you guys to have a POV from her. Anyway Enjoy! ☺️)

3rd person POV:

With all the magic in the air from all the shifters who were outside it made the atmosphere feel slightly tense.

The amount of power coming from the large number of shifted dragons let alone off of the royal ones was immense all on its own. Not including the power that was coming from Serix and Jayax. It was a battle on the friends who had to get to the clearing to stay focused.

When they all arrived they were shocked to see Ace there as well as considering Daisy was the other side of the forest with the dragons. They all figured he would want to stay by her side.

Daisys siblings all stepped forward to greet their dad's Wolf who had a lot of questions for them as to why he had gotten a cryptic message from someone saying to come here.

That's when Mila of all people came out of the trees and smiled at all of them.
"Hello everyone. Reid, Ultan thank you for filling me in." She then turned to her old friend and her eyes changed from her usual pink to her rose cold showing her wolf had ascended "Orion, I know you are confused right now as to why so many people are here and why you were called here. Well as you know to protect Misty she was called back to the moon goddess with every intention of being given back as she shifted. Well Jayax is slightly more powerful than anticipated so she is being brought back to earth by someone very special." She explained to him quickly as a light started to appear showing a portal was being formed.

"We all have to protect Misty so she can get back to Daisy and Jayax where she belongs. Now something like this has never happened so anything could happen. The fact that the king of dragons is here also creates an issue. Yes I know who he is. Now Orion, Jazz, Aria, Zane I believe there is someone who wants to see you and has been for a long time." With that she stepped aside just as Misty and Gia walked through the portal. Followed by Hazel, but no one saw her she was smiling at her family.


Hazel POV:

When the moon goddess told me I was able to take my beautiful little girls wolf back to earth I was beside myself. I had died so suddenly. I had no time to fully prepare everything I had wanted. I never fully explained everything to my children. I should have. I feel like a bad mother but I know exactly what each would say.

Gabriel would tell me I'm being stupid and that I was a brilliant mother and the only one they ever had.
Joanna would agree with her twin brother but adding how much they all knew how much I loved them
Jacob would ask me how I could ever question myself as a mother to ever think I failed them while hugging me tightly.
And Daisy oh my sweet baby girl she would cry and say I had been the best mother to all of us and treated us all lovingly and with the most caring heart. While saying even Bella agreed because I gave good ear rubs to her.

Then the love of my life the reason I had for living after my children. Ashton. My mate. My world started with him and ended with my children. He always knew Daisy was not his and he didn't care. He raised her no different from our other children. I think he actually loved on her more, because she was the youngest. Not that it showed. He treated our beautiful children the same and helped them grow as individuals. I love him so so much. I'm waiting for his time to come so we can cross together. The moon goddess said our souls will always find each other every time our new lives begin. I am so grateful to her for that.

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