Fight or flight, I'd rather die than have to cry in front of you

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Regina needs to start allowing herself to be, well, herself. She needs to stop using her dad, or her friends as an excuse to not be the person she is destined to be. Regina isn't sure she'll ever feel comfortable with her sexuality, but she has to start somewhere and accepting that she isn't fully straight is the first step.

And Regina thinks she owes Karen and Gretchen an apology, especially Gretchen. After everything she put the girl through. I mean Regina destroyed Gretchen; she made her believe she was ugly. And Regina never apologised.

Regina sat at her vanity, staring at her reflection in the mirror. The weight of her thoughts pressed heavily on her shoulders. She couldn't escape the truth any longer. She needed to confront it, to accept it.

Taking a deep breath, Regina whispered to her reflection, "I need to be honest with myself. I can't keep hiding who I am." The words felt foreign on her tongue, but she knew they were necessary.

Her mind drifted to Karen and Gretchen, her constant companions, her loyal friends. Friends she had taken for granted, friends she had hurt. The memory of Gretchen's tear-filled eyes haunted her, a painful reminder of the damage she had caused.

Regina knew she owed them an apology, especially Gretchen. She had wielded her power over Gretchen like a weapon, tearing down her confidence with every cruel word. How could she have been so blind to the pain she inflicted?

Closing her eyes, Regina made a silent vow to make things right. She would apologize to Gretchen, show her remorse in a way that was long overdue. She owed it to herself and to her friends to be better, to do better.

With determination in her heart, Regina stood up from her vanity. It was time to face the truth, time to embrace her identity, and time to make amends. The journey wouldn't be easy, but she was ready to take the first step.

Regina's heart pounded as she rehearsed the words she would say to Gretchen in her mind. She knew it wouldn't erase the hurt she had caused, but it was a start. Gathering her courage, she left her room and made her way down the hallway towards Gretchen's room.

Knocking gently on the door, Regina waited nervously until she heard Gretchen's soft voice inviting her in. Pushing the door open, Regina found Gretchen sitting on her bed, flipping through a magazine.

"Hey, Gretchen," Regina began tentatively, her voice barely above a whisper. "Can we talk?"

Gretchen looked up, surprise flickering in her eyes at Regina's somber tone. "Of course, Regina. What's on your mind?"

Regina took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to say. "I... I owe you an apology, Gretchen. For everything I've done, for the way I've treated you."

Gretchen's expression softened, her eyes filled with a mixture of disbelief and hope. "Regina, I... I never expected..."

"I know," Regina interrupted, her voice wavering slightly. "And I don't deserve your forgiveness. But I want you to know that I'm truly sorry. I was selfish and cruel, and I hurt you in ways I can never take back."

Tears welled up in Gretchen's eyes as Regina spoke, her heart heavy with regret. "Regina," Gretchen whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "I... I forgive you. And I'm sorry too, for letting it get to me, for believing the things you said."

Regina felt a weight lift off her shoulders at Gretchen's words, a glimmer of hope sparking in her chest. "Thank you, Gretchen. Thank you for giving me a second chance."

As Regina and Gretchen embraced, Regina knew that this was only the beginning of her journey towards self-acceptance and redemption. But with Gretchen's forgiveness and support, she felt a newfound sense of strength and determination. And she knew that no matter how challenging the road ahead may be, she wouldn't have to walk it alone.

Regina fought back the tears threatening to spill from her eyes as she held Gretchen in her arms. She couldn't bear the thought of appearing weak, especially now when she was trying to make amends. Swallowing hard, she blinked rapidly, willing herself to regain control.

"Thank you," Regina murmured, her voice shaky but determined. She pulled away from Gretchen, composing herself as best she could. "I mean it, Gretchen. I won't let you down again."

Gretchen reached out, gently squeezing Regina's hand in reassurance. "I know you won't, Regina. We all make mistakes, but what matters is how we choose to move forward."

Regina nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She appreciated Gretchen's understanding more than words could express. But even as she stood there, grateful for her friend's forgiveness, Regina couldn't shake the deep-seated shame that gnawed at her.

In Regina's world, vulnerability was equated with weakness, and she had spent years building up walls to shield herself from ever appearing vulnerable. The thought of letting those walls crumble, even for a moment, filled her with dread.

As Gretchen continued to speak, Regina focused on her words, anchoring herself to the present moment. She couldn't afford to dwell on her insecurities now, not when she had so much work to do to make things right.

Taking a deep breath, Regina pushed aside her inner turmoil, steeling herself for the challenges that lay ahead. She was determined to confront her past, to embrace her true self, and to become the person she was destined to be.

With Gretchen's hand in hers and a newfound resolve in her heart, Regina knew that she was ready to face whatever obstacles came her way. And this time, she wouldn't be doing it alone.

Regina's inner turmoil simmered beneath her composed exterior as she listened to Gretchen's comforting words. She knew she needed to keep up the facade, to show strength even when she felt anything but strong. But the shame lingered like a heavy weight in her chest, threatening to suffocate her.

With every word of encouragement from Gretchen, Regina felt a pang of guilt gnawing at her conscience. How could she let herself be so vulnerable? How could she allow her friends to see her weaknesses, to witness her unraveling?

Pushing aside those thoughts, Regina forced herself to focus on the present moment. She couldn't afford to dwell on her insecurities now, not when she had finally taken the first step towards redemption. She owed it to herself and to Gretchen to stay strong, to follow through on her promise to change.

As Gretchen spoke, Regina's resolve hardened like steel. She would not let her past mistakes define her. She would confront her demons head-on, no matter how terrifying they seemed. And most importantly, she would learn to accept herself for who she truly was, flaws and all.

With a newfound determination burning in her heart, Regina squeezed Gretchen's hand tightly, silently vowing to never let her down again. And as they sat there together, Regina knew that she was not just embarking on a journey of self-discovery, but also forging a bond of friendship that would withstand any obstacle thrown their way. 

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