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Leah POV-

"Come on babe, I'll show you where you're sleeping"

She winked. At her. This girl will be the death of me. But that's it, I've snapped. All I can see is them spending the night together, replaying in my brain. I have to stop them.

I walk over to them, well it's almost a run to be completely honest and I stop right in front of Bella and just laugh.

B- What's so funny?

Ignoring her and doing what I've wanted to do all night is the only thing on my mind.

L- You. Out. Now.

I refuse to have this unknown girl that's been on MY girl (well not my girl but in my head she's my girl) all night in my house anymore.

L- Get out or I'm going to make you get out.

B- Leah stop.

Beth- Enough now Leah.

L- No not enough. One last chance. Get out before I make you.

The girl hasn't moved. The audacity.

The next few minutes went so quickly. All I can remember is dragging this girl out of the house and slamming the door.

Bella POV-

Leah has just dragged my bed buddy out of the house and slammed the door in her face. Hot. I would be lying if I said that wasn't attractive. But what happens next? I don't know if she's gonna drag me to bed with her or scream and shout at me. But at this point she is just staying silent.

Bella- So, Beth, how was your night?

Beth- It was alright, bit of a rollercoaster. How was yours?

We laugh both knowing that we're still antagonising Leah, but this is what she deserves. She should be jealous. She should realise what she's lost. She should realise what she risked for a stupid girl in the club. I hope she sweats about it.

Bella- My night was a mess. I got well and truly fucked over and made to feel like shit. Then got made to feel special by a complete stranger only for her to get thrown out by my live-in bouncer. One for the history books.


Woah. I think I'm really under her skin.

Bella- And why should I do what you say?

Leah- If you know what's right for you, you'll be up those stairs in the next 5 minutes. I'll be waiting. Time starts now.

I watch her trail off up the stairs and me and Beth just stare at each other. Both puzzled.

Beth- What are you going to do?

Does Bella go and speak to Leah?
If she does, what is the outcome?

Thank you all for coming back and giving this story the same appreciation as always.
Any ideas you have, I would love to hear either in the comments or you can message me privately.

More updates tomorrow x

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