Goddess of the Hunt Part 4

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Daysha, heading for the street, looks over at the direction where she heard a noise. She stares as Roy begins to approach her. She crying and runs back in the other direction, heading for the woods. Roy, excited by the thrill of the hunt, chases after her. She heads into the woods and he follows, not far behind her.

Daysha runs past multiple trees and bushes, trying her hardest to get away. After moving for a while, she stops and takes a small break, hiding behind a tree. She stops breathing momentarily and notices the silence in the woods. She looks around and sees no movement in the woods, as if all the animals are hiding from a predator.

Roy howls in the moon light.

Daysha covers her ears from the loud howl. She moves away from the tree and begins running again, trying to find a better place to hide. She hears a twig snap behind her and goes faster. She looks back as she's running and doesn't see anything behind her. From exerting herself too much she stops running, panting very heavily.

She doesn't hear anything and looks around again. She doesn't see anything either but in the last moment of looking around, Daysha gets tackled, hard by Roy. Roy looms, on all fours, over her, looking into her eyes, angrily and hungry. He growls at her and reveals his teeth. Daysha begins crying. Roy's body begins to twitch heavily and his growls begin getting deeper. His bones begin to break and reform all around his body. His spine popping out of his back, tearing his shirt. His upper body begins extending and his rib cage exudes through his chest. His arms growing, length and muscle tone, with his hands, doubling in size and growing large, four-inch claws on each hand. His legs reshaping, his feet reforming, growing longer. Claws sprout from his toes and his tail growing out of his backside from his spinal cord extending. A large multitude of hair on his arms, neck, down his spine and lower body and his skin begins turning grayish brown.

"Erh!" Roy's jaw extends. His ears point and the hair on his head grows, connecting with the hair on his neck, giving him the appearance of long hair. His widow's peak grows, going down the middle of his nose. Lastly, his snout shifts out three inches more than it usually does and his mouth grows a large row of incredibly sharp teeth, each able to rip and tear anything to shreds. His pupils disappear and his eyes turn pure red, glowing like light bulbs covered in red, surrounded by darkness. His transformation completes and he howls yet again as he is about to claim his first victim. He stares directly into Daysha's eyes, with only one thing on his mind, hunger. Daysha, tears cover her face, panics as he stares at her like she is his next meal, drooling heavily. He roars at her, showing all his terrifying, sharp teeth. He gets closer to her, drool dripping from his lips and landing on her chest.

As Roy opens his wide jaws, preparing to take a large bite out of her flesh, Daysha screams.

"ROY!" she yells. He stares at her, still growing. "ROY PLEASE, YOU KNOW ME, YOU KNOW WHO I AM, PLEASE YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER ME!" She continues to yell, tears falling from her eyes.

"You have to remember...it's me...Daysha..." Roy stops growling and pauses.

He looks at her eyes and the anger in his face begins to drop. "Remember..." she touches his face with her hand. Roy makes a low growling noise and cocks his head to the side, as if he is studying her.

"Please remember...I love you brother..." Daysha puts her other hand on his face. All the anger and confusion leave his face and his whole demeanor changes. His pupils change back to normal and he looks at Daysha, sadness in his eyes. Daysha looks into his eyes "Roy...?"

Roy whines and slowly backs up. Daysha sits up and looks at him some more. A tear falls from his eyes and Daysha wipes it from his face. She hugs his head and they both cry as the moon shines through the trees. Roy grows overwhelmed with sadness from almost killing his own sister and he begins let out all his tears and wines. "It's okay, it's okay brother, it's okay..." Daysha comforts him. "Hey," She pulls his giant face up and looks at him in his eyes. "You did it, you came back to me when I needed you the most, and you did it. I'm really proud of you..." she kisses his head and lays her head on his. "I love you brother..."

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