Mist | Chapter 8

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Heyyy, so so sorry for disappearing without letting y'all know. I'm still going to be updating this story, so Dw about that. I will be posting on the weekends and week, so I could post at any moment. That's enough chit chat, enjoy the chapter!
'Right, this was probably dottore's doing. I should have known better, who else do I know apart from the fatui harbingers? I'll go onto the next memory, I'll be able to learn more if I keep going. It might be painful, it might be pretty. No matter what, I need to prepare myself for what I might uncover. It's about time that dottore walks into the room, so I need to speed up this process.'

"Hello? Is anybody there?" 'Who said that? What are you doing here? Your not supposed to be in here, what's your reason for being here?'
"I got lost, I'm a bit new to this, where are you? I'm trying to look for you, but this place is so big." 'You still haven't answered my question though..Who are you and why are you in here. You say you got lost, yet you say your trying to find me. So pick a better excuse next time, what exactly is your reason for being here?'
"It seems to me that you finally lost the manners, kunikuzushi. Not to mention, your still as sharp as you were back then." "What..? How do you know about my past? Most importantly, my name.Did you look through my memories too? Is that why your here, to look through my mind and change stuff?'
"Oh what a shame. You seem to have lost your memory, how could you forget your favorite person? I must say, you hurt my feelings. Did my voice change that much, to the point where you can't recognize it? It's only been a few hundred years, yet you forgot me? What a pity."
"A few hundred years ago..Is that you, Yae Miko?'
"Well of course, who else would it be? Aren't you just overfilled with joy? I finally found you, where have you been this whole time?"
'I've been busy these past decades. Not to mention, you and Ei never contacted me. Why did you guys just ghost me so suddenly?!'
"We didn't ghost you though? We actually tried contacting you multiple times, but the same person would pick up the phone. So we just assumed that you kept changing numbers and wanted to forget about us. At first, we were upset. We decided that if you didn't want to talk to us, we would respect it. We didn't want to keep bothering you or make you feel uncomfortable."
This whole time, they didn't give up on me. They were just blocked by a obstacle, one that is impossible to overcome. Maybe, it wasn't even impossible for them. They just wanted to respect me, they thought about me first, not about themselves. They actually cared about me, they wanted me to be safe.
'Can you tell me how the voice sounded? I need more details that can help me find out who would do that.'
"Of course. They had a deep type of voice, not too deep though. It was also kind of rough, the type of voice that makes you want to find out more. I would assume the person who was speaking was/or is a fatui harbinger. Those kind of voices are often heard by the Tsarista."
'Okay, I think I have a name. Can you listen to this voice recording? Let me know if it sounds familiar to you, it's alright if you can't remember how the voice sounded like. It probably isn't who I think it is, because they weren't alive when I was created. At least not that I'm aware of.'
"We found our troublemaker, this voice is almost identical to the one I heard."
How..? I thought that dottore wouldn't have been alive. Maybe, the dottore we know is a clone. It could be possible, since that's I was basically created. Wait, if Yae Miko is here, does that make Ei was also looking for me?
'Yae Miko, is Ei here?'
"Sometimes, you're too sharp. It scares me, but I guess I can hide nothing from you."
She's here. What am I supposed to tell her about? Say that I thought she abandoned me and that I hated her with my guts, to the point of even saying her name made me disgusted?
'Where is she? Is also right next to you, or she in a different area?'
"She's here with me, don't worry. If you have anything you want to tell her, she'll hear you and answer you. So, go ahead and ask her anything."
'Ei, I'm sorry. I thought you hated me, I thought you never cared about me, but I was wrong. I'm sorry for not thinking otherwise, I was just so scared. Forgive me, I didn't know any better.'
"Kunikuzushi. You have nothing to apologize for, in fact, I should be the one apologizing. Kuni, I'm sorry that you have to endure that pain. You must've been so hurt and scared, to be deceived by a fake memory, thinking nobody was there for you. I understand if you still feel some hatred towards me, but I just want you to know that I will always be here to support you.
'Why would I be mad at you? You tried to give me the best life you couldn't have, but yet your apologizing to me. You did your best, and you shouldn't think that I would be mad at you. I'm just glad that you didn't have any regrets by creating me.'



Heya! I'm sorry that this chapter is short, I just wanted to update so that you guys could know that I'm still here, yes I'm alive. I'll try my best to update the chapters, because this story is supposed to be 28 chapters in total (not including the chapters with specials or updates)
Words: 1007

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