[ 𝟑 ] : 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐥 , 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐥 , 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐥

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Rick , Shane and Ruby all ran with a large man who couldn't breathe due to his running

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Rick , Shane and Ruby all ran with a large man who couldn't breathe due to his running. Rick was holding Carl in his hands and running as fast as he could.

Ruby ran forward approaching the farm. "Help!" Ruby yelled her breathing slightly delayed.

"Is he bit?" The older man asked in a white shirt.

"No! Shot! Your man shot him!" Ruby answered back making her way over to the steps as Rick had just barely crossed the land line.

Hershel ordered Rick to get inside. The older man yelled out orders as Ruby and Rick followed behind , Carl in his arms.

"Is he alive?" Rick muttered looking as if he had lost his mind in just a few minutes. Ruby stood in the corner as she noticed 2 women getting their supplies ready.

"Your names?" The older man asked.

Rick took a second admiring Carl in this bloody state. "Rick! He's Rick I'm Ruby." Said the girl. Rick looked scared as he slowly backed away , a male scream taking his attention to the window.

"Move!" Yielded Shane to the unknown man. Rick made his way over to the door , Ruby quickly following behind taking one last glance at the boy in the bed with a gunshot to his chest.

Ruby had bent down to her backpack which she left at the porch steps , quickly unzipping it and taking her water bottle.

She stood up and handed the bottle to Shane as he was wiping Rick's face. He had smeared blood on his forehead.

Ruby looked up and made her way back inside the House. Rick started sobbing as Shane side hugged him and Otis ranted to a lady , Ruby assumed it was his wife.

Too much was going on for Ruby's vision as she started to feel overwhelmed. she sighed and went outside to her backpack on the porch.

she opened her backpack and took out water and a granola bar. she ate it the span on two minutes. she stayed seated there for a while.

She sighed , panting heavily and closing her eyes. A woman walked out the wind flowing her hair , it was short,  a little shorter than her shoulders.

"I'm Maggie , what's your name sweetie?" She asked in a nice tone. "I'm Ruby." She answered back. She had a nice feeling about the girl.

Ruby turned her attention to the window and she saw Shane and Rick talking on a couch. That same frightened look on Rick's face worried her.

"Are you ok?" Asked Maggie averting her eyes to Ruby. "I'm ok. I will be." Ruby muttered over her soft tone.

Maggie nodded and looked out into the field. The sun was slowly setting above the horizon letting Ruby see the whole farm. It was beautiful. It seemed safe. Clean.

A loud yell interrupted Rubys small moment of peace. Of quiet. "Maggie!" Yelled the older man by his voice. He demanded she rush in and help.

Maggie quickly pulled back from the small hand rest and rushed inside. A few minutes later she rushed out of the door she went into and called for Rick.

Her voice was muffled due to the door being closed. The window was slightly opened and it let Ruby hear her demand for Rick.

Ruby rushed inside of the giant looking house and ran into the door Rick headed into. The sight made her gag.

Carl was on the bed and older woman holding him down. His wound being visible and the older man with a tweezer looking thing inside him. Yells escaped his horrified mouth and Ruby's eyes widened at the horrible site.

"He needs blood." Stated Maggie as the older woman slouched off Carl and the older man demanded for Shane to hold him down.

"Little girl , come here." For a second Ruby hesitated but ran over to the other side of the bed following the older man's instructions.

"I need you to slightly hold open the wound so I can dig inside and get the bullet fragments out of him." The man explained his words fast but firm.

Ruby's eyes widened and nodded slowly.

She directed her hand over to a small box that held white gloves. She put one on and let her hand slightly fall down to Carls stomach.

She took her pointer finger and her thumb and stretched open his wound. The yells laced into her thoughts of horror. Her hand was inside of his stomach. She thought.

She knew she'd have to do horrible things in this new world , but she never expected to have her hand inside a boys stomach.

Ruby had learned Carl was one year older than her. Her thoughts tried to distract her from the excruciating pain the boy beneath her was in.

He struggled against Shane's grip as he squirmed. Slowly his yells to stop died down. He eventually fell unconscious.

"He just passed out." The older man explained , as he dug out a part of the bullet. "One down , five to go." He said looking in despair.


Rick wanted to go and find Lori as he tried standing up but stumbled around. Ruby had learned the people around the houses names.

There was Jimmy , Patricia , Hershel , Maggie and the man who shot Carl was named Otis. She was told there was a girl named Beth in the house but she hadn't seen her around.

Hershel walked out and explained to Rick everything that happend. He needed to get the remaining bullet parts out. He needed many other instruments to help Carl live.

Otis had approached Shane and offered to go with him because Shane didn't even know what half the products looked like. Otis and Shane would go to a high school looking for them.

Maggie offered to go pick up Lori and Rick and Ruby stayed back.

A girl with slight dirty blonde hair walked down the stairs. Her hair was in a low side pony tail and the straps on her shirt looked as if they were about the rip off.

"Hi." The girl said approaching Ruby. "Uhm hi." Said Ruby back feeling awkward. "I'm Beth, but some people call me Bethy." She says.

"Oh. Beth is a pretty name." Ruby said sitting on a chair , Beth doing the same.

"Thank you." She said leaving them in a peaceful silence.

"Your farm is beautiful. It seems peaceful." Ruby said complementing the girls land.

"Thank you. How old are you?" Asked Beth completely changing the subject sounding curious.

"I'm 10. My birthday is on October 12th. So basically I'm 11?" She said. "Do you know what day it is?" She asked looking at Beth.

Beth gasped as she looked over to something that looked like a calendar. "It's the 11th today." Said Beth.

Ruby smiled not a big smile , a small smile , most of her smiles didn't reach up to her eyes.

"Cool." Ruby said relaxing onto her chair as Hershel and Rick walked outside onto the porch.

"Cool? It's your birthday tomorrow! We should celebrate. I think Patricia can make cupcakes!" Said Beth the excitement lacing her voice.

Ruby smiled to see Beth excited. Beth got up and went upstairs leaving Ruby in slight excitement.

She rarely ever celebrated her birthday with her whole family around. Her father was in the army , mother had work and her siblings were 8 and 6 years old when she last saw them.

She hadn't ever been away from her family this long. It had been a good 2 months and she had almost lost her energy. She was tired.


i hate this chapter!!

words :: 1266

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