Chapter Two - You

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After the words left his mouth, I did my best to respond. The words he said kept repeating in my head along with the answer my body wanted to say. I couldn't speak - knowing that this hot man I will be living with for approximately 3 years - was enough to leave me speechless. My head nods without my permission before I begin shaking my head in denial.

Crystal clear ocean eyes lined in black eyeliner stare into mine, filled with a teasing glint as Giyuu flicks his raven hair slightly off his forehead. Pale pink lips part as he licks the metal rings embedded in them. The Metallica tee he wore hugged his lithe, muscular body as he leaned back onto his hands. A dark eyebrow raises as he watches me struggle.

"When's your first class?" He asks, thankfully moving away from the previous topic.
"Um, I have General Literature at 4. You?" I say after I finally calm down my frantic heart and hormones.
"I have that class too. Want to finish unpacking later?" Giyuu questions, looking at the few boxes left.
"Yeah the rest is just clothes and hygiene stuff. Don't need help with that." I express, moving from my spot on my new bed to lay down.
"Alright cool, I was excused from my Cognitive Psychology lecture to get you settled in. Only other thing I got going on is GL at 4 so I'll be taking a nap. See ya later, Sweetheart." Giyuu smiles, showing off his beautiful dimples and perfect teeth before going into the other side of the dorm, through the curtain.

I lay there on my bed for a bit, unsure of what to do. With Giyuu gone, I felt so alone - he was literally the only person I knew on campus. I thought about exploring but didn't want to go alone. My inner turmoil is interrupted by a loud knock at the door.

"Ara Ara Tomioka! You missed class! I brought notes!" A feminine voice shouts in a sickly sweet tone.

Jealousy flared through me and I took too long to respond - hearing the door unlock and open. Why the fuck would I be jealous if he has someone? I have Douma!

"Who are you?" The sugarcoated voice of the woman who literally just broke in to my dorm, demands.

My eyes meet hers and see she was glaring at me. I raise an eyebrow, trying to understand all the sudden killing intent around her. I supposed it did look bad, having a girl casually lounging on a bed that was previously vacant in the boy's dorms.

"(Last Name) (Name), Tomioka's new roommate." I explain, holding a hand out to shake.
"I see. So he skipped class to fuck you? Well, he doesn't care about you. You're not special-" The petite black and purple haired woman screams but is cut off.
"Kocho?" Giyuu asks, walking into my area of the dorm - shirtless with just a pair of black pajama pants on but the psycho woman didn't give me enough time to oogle his chiseled torso.
"Tomioka! You have some explaining to do!" Kocho exclaims, glaring at me with her purple eyes.
"That's (Name), my new roommate." He repeats what I had already told her
"Ara Ara, Tomioka, I think you should speak with the Headmaster! I'm not comfortable having a woman living with my boyfriend!" She chirps, her voice still sickly sweet.
"Kocho, how many times do I have to tell you we aren't dating? We fucked one time during junior year in high school and it was awful." Giyuu says in his usual bored tone as he looks at her.
"But I brought your notes Tomioka!" Kocho holds up the papers she had been gripping for dear life as if they were an invitation into Giyuu's good graces.
"(Name), did you let her in?" Giyuu questions, looking over at me with those beautiful blue eyes.
"No?" I manage to get out before he sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
"Kocho, how many keys have you fuckin made? Stop breaking into my dorm."
"It's not breaking in if I have a key-" She starts to argue but I clear my throat.
"Listen here, whatever the fuck you are about to say, shut up. Drop the notes off, then get the fuck out. Don't break into our dorm again and leave my roommate alone. Don't test me." I snarl, standing up and glaring at her with enough killing intent to make her stumble back a few steps.
"T-Tomioka!" Kocho cries, looking over at the male for help.
"This isn't just my dorm anymore Kocho, you can't be walking in like you own the place." Giyuu groans, shaking his head while making no move to stop me.
"Get out of our dorm. I will count to five and if you aren't out by then, I am unaccountable for the actions I take." I warn, holding up a hand to begin counting.
"Tomioka won't let you kick me out." Kocho attempts to say but color drains from her face when Giyuu chuckled darkly and sat down on my bed behind me - obviously supportive of my choice.
"One..." I start and she doesn't move so I move a step closer.
"You're all talk." She snaps, standing her ground.
"Two..." I move another step and this time she backs up two steps.
"This is childish."
"Three..." I raise an eyebrow as her knees begin to shake.
"Tomioka!" Kocho begs, trying to get his attention - to have him save her.
"Four..." I tilt my neck to the side, cracking it and she skitters back nearly to the door.
"Fine! Crazy bitch!" She screams before dropping the keys she used to get in and the notes on the couch before sprinting out of the room.

"Territorial much, Sweetheart?" Giyuu teases as I walk over and slide the bar lock closed.
"Stalker much?" I ask, returning to my bed to lay back down.
"Yeah she even followed me to university." He chuckles, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.
"Jesus, dude, you sure you only fucked her once?" I wonder, snuggling down into my pillows with Giyuu still sitting on the edge of my bed.
"I was drunk, she's awful in bed." The raven haired man defends.
"Apparently she thinks you weren't too bad, pretty boy." I tease, smirking at him.
"She's not wrong." Is all he said before yawning.
"Tired?" I ask and he nods but doesn't get up.
"You can sleep here while I finish putting my shit away." I tell him, patting the bed beside me.
"I bet that cute boyfriend of yours would appreciate another man sleeping in your bed." Giyuu teases before crawling up and lying down beside me.
"In your dreams, maybe. Douma trusts me." I scoff, getting up to finish unpacking.


Soft snores escape pierced lips as I walk into my room, after finally finishing arranging my toiletries in the shared bathroom. I made a mental note of the time, seeing it was around 2 in the afternoon. My stomach growls and I make a face, unsure if I should wake Giyuu to get directions to the nearest vending machine.

I stare at the sleeping man, watching as he nuzzles his face deeper into my pillow. He looked beautiful; midnight hair fanned out over the white pillows, slightly smudged eyeliner and porcelain skin flushed slightly pink with sleep. All traces of the flirtatious bad boy were gone and it was so hard to focus. I could feel my heart racing and my stomach was full of butterflies. Giyuu looked so innocent, so pure and peaceful - truly breathtaking.

Crystal blue eyes flutter open slightly, hazy with sleep while I am standing over my bed like some freak watching him sleep. A freak watching him sleep when I have a boyfriend. After a few blinks, he fully opens his eyes and smiles at me - showing off perfect teeth and dimples. This man will be the death of me: emo, pretty, nice teeth and fucking dimples. A relationship ruiner for a roommate.

He seemed to be saying something but I kept zoning out while looking in his eyes. Is this what raw sexual attraction feels like? My whole body wanted to throw out my morals and jump him. Even the rational part of my brain was ready to ditch and go after the sexy emo in front of me. All the questions in my head were overwhelming.

Would he kiss differently than Douma? What would it feel like to have my hands in his hair tugging him closer? Will he be rough? Why am I so fucking attracted to him? Why do I have to be roommates with such a sexy man?

"Why can't I just calm the fuck down?" I ask, still in my zoned out state.
"(Name)?" Giyuu questions, waving his hand in my face to break whatever the fuck kind of trance his blue eyes always put me in.
"Fuckin- huh?" I reply, blinking my (eye color) eyes a few times to focus back on him.
"You said you can't calm down?" He elaborates, looking at me with worry on his pretty face.
"Oh shit, did I? I mean I can't calm down because I'm hungry and when I'm hungry I get a little weird but I don't know where anything is and I only know you so like-" He cuts me off.
"You want me to order some pizza or something, Sweetheart?" And the magic words spoken from the emo in my bed had me falling to my knees.
"You got me weak, please I beg you, order the pizza." I nearly cry, realizing exactly how hungry I am as my stomach lets out a strangled cry of excitement at the prospect of food.
"What kind do you want?" Giyuu asks and I don't hesitate.
"(Favorite Pizza). I can pay for it." I offer and he clicks his tongue, pulling out his phone and ordering the pizza online.
"Nah, Princess, women don't pay for food in this household." I didn't see the point of arguing as the butterflies in my stomach decided to migrate to block my mouth from being able to speak.

" I didn't see the point of arguing as the butterflies in my stomach decided to migrate to block my mouth from being able to speak

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