Chapter One: A Hero Is Born Part 1

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A (H/C) was sitting on a stool crisscrossed and holding their head up while listening intently to the story the raven haired was sharing. Even though they heard the tale many times they still listened. The boy with spiked hair and wearing a bandana next to them was buzzing with excitement and looking at the older male with anticipation.

The man with the glasses began to speak, "The thing you need to understand about the old legends is that the story is never finished. There may be no pages left to turn, but there is always more to the journey."

The crisscrossed individual imagined an old city and people going on about their day. A young girl finding a butterfly to catch and people doing their daily activities. It is rather amusing how humans interact with each other.

He continued on, "Rising from the Netherworld, the Demon Bull King attacked." A powerful beam of purple with a green aura surrounding it summoned the Demon Bull King. With green glowing eyes and a smirk he opened his mouth and bellowed out a predominant roar. The Bull King readied his battle axe and plowed it onto the surface of the earth repeatedly with no mercy. Swiping left and right. Causing as much destruction as he could.

"No one could stop him. No one could resist." Suddenly, a heavenly orange color appeared from within the clouds. A floating figure appeared alongside it. Making the king stop in his tracks.

"No one except.. the legendary Monkey King." The simian slowly reached his hand up to his ear and summoned a red and gold staff. He flipped it up in the air then put it at his side. He knelt down and catapulted himself into the air before landing on the ground with a battle cry.

The Bull King roared in anger at his nemesis, how dare he suddenly show up to stop his tyranny? They both made a dash for each other. The Bull King sprinting at him and the Monkey King using his staff to whizz through the air. DBK parried when they made contact, DBK crossing his arms while the staff was struck down upon him. DBK whipped his hammer to push back Monkey King and lifted his axe to finish him. The Monkey King dodged and chuckled mischievously before using his staff as a boomerang. It hit the Bull King's chin and he looked up. A glowing silhouette spawned behind the flying staff and it revealed the simian.

     The Monkey King rushed towards DBK and hit him straight into the cheek. If his face didn't hurt before it did now. Although this hit affected him slightly, he quickly recovered and flipped backwards. Glaring daggers at him, the Monkey King ripped his fur and spread them out in the air. The slivers of hair glowed yellow and transformed into multiple Monkey Kings. They then charged at DBK and the original Monkey King simply levitated and watched as they pummeled DBK all over like bullets.

     The Demon Bull King cried out in anger and  a purple sphere took place inside his mouth. It grew big enough to wipe out all the rest of the clones and left a crowd of smoke. The smoke quickly departed as the Monkey King shot up like a cannon, disappearing with a twinkle in the sky, but not before something zoomed forward in DBK's direction. It was the staff! It paused before it hit the bull king to become large enough to bury him under the gold and red. The impact of it made the ground break open and cause a mild earthquake.

     Monkey King proceeded to use a cloud to travel to his staff and DBK. He slid along the staff, then suddenly, out from the rubble came an even ginormous version of the Demon Bull King. He was fuming and his devilish-green eyes were brighter than before. He screeched heatedly and Monkey King smashed through rocks. He was wedged in parallel sides of stone and he formed into a bird to get out of that spot. DBK again used his beam to try to wound the Monkey King but he easily dodged it.

     "The Monkey King used his magical staff to pick up a nearby mountain," the scholar explained.

     The Monkey King went back to his original form and rode on his cloud, avoiding the blasts of purple light heading his way. The Monkey King went for a punch catching the bull king off guard and leaving a shining streak of orange in the sky. The poor bull king raged, unable to move while the simian slyly smirked and used his staff to cut a mountain. He used the staff to lift up the mountain. For the first time, the Demon Bull King felt absolute horror as he watched the mountain slowly hover above him. The Monkey King slammed the mountain, killing the bull king effectively.

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