Chapter 4: A Hero Is Born Part 4

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We're going into second person point of view now, I keep putting in 'you' instead of 'they' or 'them' and I have to keep going back and fix it so yep 👍


When Pigsy and Mei went inside the noodle shop, you slipped away silently. It was finally your alone time. You hadn't had time for yourself in a long while. Mei and MK were always by your side, 24/7. It was annoying. You could take care of yourself. It's not like anyone would go for you in particular.

You glitched and were gone. It was nice, and this city is sufficient enough for your needs. It got better once you saw and found out about those bull clones. You figured that you could screw around with the Bull family's robots. That would be absolutely fantastic. Left and right, up and down you went, searching the city head to toe on where the bull clones could be. Dashing and crawling around, maneuvering in ways that would be impossible for a human being to move. You searched far and wide, then that's when you spotted one in an alleyway.

The clone was digging through dumpsters oddly enough. Why would anyone who found ancient treasure throw it away? Clearly, these robots are morons. You would think the family would have made them smarter than this. The tentacles on your back hoisted you downwards, and the sound of you crashing to the ground made the robot jolt. It turned around to eliminate whoever dared to stop its labor, that was until it saw you. It seemed like it recognized you. The robot started to cower in anguish. You were the very thing that unexpectedly struck fear in all of the robots that worked for the Bull family.

You gradually hovered over it and held out your hand, in a gentle, understanding, and sympathetic manner. Like you were an angel, coming to save humanity. The robot hesitated, this was something unknown. It hadn't seen kindness its whole life. The bull clone slowly reached up its hand until it made contact with yours. You gently rubbed its knuckles, trying to soothe its nerves like how a mother would. The shaking ceased and the shoulders of the clone relaxed. You were not an enemy, but a friend.

A splatter of oil landed on your face. A tentacle had wedged its way through the skull of the clone. Spurts of oil spat out, landing on your clothes, hair, and face. The sound of mechanical whirring and gears moving ceased and there was only the sound of cars driving around. No scurrying of any rodents, not even crickets. It slumped and slid right off of the thing that punctured the head.

You went to town and instantly jumped on it. Metal was being scraped and ripped apart, followed by the sound of wet, squelching oil flowing out from the body and out into your mouth. The never-ending hunger you had the past few weeks was growing stronger and stronger, and you finally were able to eat. You chowed down on its innards eagerly, clawing your way inside. Every nook and cranny that had something contained oil was wiped from its former position. The crunching of nuts and bolts was as satisfying as popping a piece of popcorn right into your mouth. The inky, warm, black substance dripped from your mouth messily as you smiled in contentment. You licked the remaining oil off of your face and you were done feasting. Your appetite was assuaged. You left the remains alone to be overcome by nature or collected for scraps. The identity of it is no longer recognizable. Well, sorry not sorry Bull family.

You looked down at your outfit and it was stained and dirty, your shoes included. Pigsy, Tang, MK, and Mei would be suspicious and ask where you went too. You awkwardly roamed around Metropolis (getting judgemental or confused stares in the process) and you conveniently found the shoe store. The line was stupidly protracted and you didn't want to wait while you were covered in oil. So you proceeded to walk into the store and picked out the pair of shoes you wanted. People yelled at you, saying you were cutting the line, but you didn't care one bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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