Chapter Two: A Hero Is Born Part 2

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MK helped (Y/N) with their seatbelt since they were always a bit clumsy with things, but they made it work. They have to live somewhere right? (Y/N) observed a tan-colored bird from afar as MK started to prepare for the trip. A trend of tan-colored creatures always seemed to be following them, or rather MK. It was odd, to say the least, but they didn't question it. MK didn't pay attention to the weird phenomenon.

     MK turned the engine on and pulled out his phone and headphones on him and (Y/N) to listen to his favorite tunes, he asked them a while ago what music they liked or preferred but they said they didn't mind the songs MK listened to. His taste in music was unique. The spiky-haired boy pulled out directions on his phone and they went off on their noodle delivery adventure.

     "The shops and buildings are colorful. How.. gross." the yellow-eyed host thought. This planet is weird, but entertaining nonetheless. They saw a group of people gathered around a table playing a game. A man in a wife-beater top groaned in frustration, seemingly angry that he lost. (Y/N) then noticed the way the road looked when MK pulled in. It appeared to be a construction site. They zoomed by a sign that loudly and clearly stated, "Do not enter!"

     (Y/N) tried getting their so-proclaimed 'big brother's' attention, like something a little sibling would do to tell them that something was wrong. They entered a construction site and MK did sharp donuts in front of an elevator. (Y/N) showed a mild level of annoyance at his behavior, too sucked into his catchy tunes to pay attention to what (Y/N) tried to explain. They unbuckled themselves and slid down rather rag-dollishly before grabbing a package of noodles and entering the elevator with MK. Down they went, far, far, far underground. Away from the surface.

     When the elevator was finished transferring them to the underground level, MK went out of it busting some dance moves while (Y/N) moved sluggishly, propping their head up while voicing their actions as usual. It was humorous to see how they both seemed so close yet acted so differently. (Y/N) heard a fluttering noise and looked up to see the same bird from before. It moved pretty fast to the point their eyes couldn't catch up with it.

     An authoritative feminine voice suddenly said, "It feels like I've waited an eternity for this moment." MK and (Y/N) saw two quirky figures standing in the darkness. One, with his red hair, pulled up at the top of his head with a high ponytail in the back, a scar making an 'X' on his left cheek, glasses with a turtleneck, and a red jacket with a ring on the back. The other much taller had jet-black hair and horns at the side of her head and a red dress. She had a beauty mark on the side of her eye that complimented her appearance. "Is everything in order?"

The red one answered back, "Just making the final adjustments, Mother." This was the first time (Y/N) saw the robot bulls from behind them. They grew a fascination with them but got snapped out of it when the young adult beside them panicked and picked them up before hiding by some rocks. He dropped the noodles but thankfully (Y/N) grabbed it. MK peeked from behind the rocks as (Y/N) climbed onto his back to also get a look at the scene. There were bull robots everywhere. It didn't matter where you looked. They all surrounded a staff on a small lush hill with a tree with orange leaves.

The suspicious woman announced, "Finally, after all this time, we have the means to lift Monkey King's legendary staff." (Y/N)'s eyes slightly widened in surprise. They didn't actually believe the stories Tang told were real. They looked down at their 'big brother' and saw him looking at it in awe and adoration. He whispered silently, "Wow... Monkey King's staff!"

MK looked left and right before he started to slide up the pipes, somehow. The beautiful woman stood with her arms crossed and looked at the hill longingly, "My love will finally be returned, once we remove the staff." When (Y/N) got situated and while crossing their legs said, "Crisscross applesauce." They looked down and watched while propping their head up. MK climbed onto the pipe where (Y/N) was and scared the familiar bird. Both MK and (Y/N) glanced at it, the bird looked at MK before switching its gaze over to (Y/N). It stared at them for a long time before glaring at both MK and (Y/N) and looking back at the scene below them. The woman breathed out a, "Huh?" and everyone in the room looked over towards the staff.

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