Chapter Three: A Hero Is Born Part 3

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N/N means nickname, just thought you would like to know.

The sound of engines running reverberated through the colorful city. The usual bustling of people who are moving in or out to go to where they need to was interrupted when two different vehicles seemed to be chasing each other.

     A booming voice rang out, "Alright Noodle Boy, hand it over!"

     MK tried to grab a box of noodles while looking over at the temperamental demon, he failed a couple of times before he finally touched it and yanked it in front of him. He looked tearfully away and whispered, "I'm sorry valued customer, you won't be getting your noodles," and he threw the bowl of noodles onto Red Son's windshield.

     Red Son just seemed so confused and disappointed that his measly opponent, who could wield Monkey King's staff, used a bowl of noodles to defend himself. Nonetheless, he still was a persistent little thing. Oh, how he would love to have that boy beg and weep in his grasp.

When the effort MK used was proved insufficient, because Red Son used the windshield wipers to scrape it off, he cried out, "Dang it!"

     Obviously, this enraged the breathing candle and he burst out in flames shouting, "Fine! Have it your way!" MK shook in absolute fear, "You're really scary!"

     Red Son's windshield wiper reached out and pushed MK's tuk-tuk slightly and it started to go off track until the staff that he had assisted him in this wild goose chase. It broke his window and it catapulted the vehicle into the air. The boy screamed out loud and he landed on top of a roof. He started bouncing as the tuk-tuk fell on more buildings.

Red Son's monstrosity of a car was beside him on an actual road and aggressively demanded, "Would you get down here so I can kill you?!" MK yelled back in reply, "Never!"

Of course, MK's tuk-tuk was bound to crash through a roof sooner or later and it landed in a poor woman's apartment, she was sipping some tea and reading a book when a vehicle breaking her belongings and ceiling caught her by surprise as MK apologized, rolling out and breaking through a wall.

When he realizes he outran DBK's son, he laughs in relief and says, "I think I lost him!" But that relief was short-lived as the tuk-tuk broke down. MK breaks out in panic and frantically goes around, speaking to it as if it was going to fix itself and go on because of his encouragement. He groans and woefully says, "Oh, man, Pigsy's gonna kill me."

MK jumps back when the tuk-tuk is lifted and encased in an yellow odd symbol he's never seen before. In the middle of it had a hexagon and it was surrounded by a circle, some of it had squares that were exposed. Some coding on the sides of it was buzzing quickly. Once it was finished it fell and it was like nothing ever happened to it. MK looked down at his hands in amazement and whispered, "Did I do that?"

He nearly jumped out of his skin when someone wrapped their arms around him from behind, when he spun around he saw (Y/N) hugging him. He burst out in tears and lifted them, nearly crushing them in a bear hug.

"(N/N)! I'm so sorry for leaving you back there! I couldn't- I couldn't go back because I was being chased by that bad guy," he went down on his knees and clasped his hands, "Will you forgive me?"

(Y/N) replied, "Laugh. Oh big brother, you are so funny," and went up to him, "Hug."

MK started to sob but his emotional outburst was cut off as the sound of a deep engine running and maniacal laughter intensified. MK shot straight up and carried (Y/N) then buckled them in. "Oh shoot! Come on come on come on!"

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