The Text

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TW: Threatening text messages


The buzz of my phone interrupts our embrace.

I brush it off, deciding that I will check it later. Blitzø is all that matters right now.

But then my phone chimes again.

And again.

10 separate tones. I can't ignore it at this point.

Blitzø cocks his head towards my phone, as it sits on my nightstand. I reach over to grab it.

I click it to turn it on. Texts from an unknown number light up my face and his.

"Is Blitzø there?" "I need Blitzø." "Blitzø has a client." "Is this Stolas?" "Hello?" "HELLO?" "Are you there?" "Answer me!" "STOLAS. ANSWER ME."

"Who is it?" Blitzø asks.

"I-I... I'm not sure. One of your coworkers, maybe?"

He looks closer at my phone, surveying the number on the screen.

"No, you have all of them. I...don't recognize that number."

We both stay quiet for a second, looking over the texts.

"Wait. that last one." his tone is slightly concerned.

"What, what about it?"

"It looks like a threat or something." he thinks for a second. "Answer it."

I quickly type "this is Stolas, who is this?" and click send.

"Who I am isn't important."

I look at Blitzø. He looks up at me, even more concerned than before.


I try not to show it on my face, but I am freaking the fuck out. Terrified.

He is visibly scared as well. I grab onto his hand.

"It's gonna be okay."

He looks like he is about to cry. It shatters my heart.

His phone sounds again. Another text that reads Now. My demands.

I take the phone. I set it face down on the nightstand next to us.

I take his other hand in mine.

"Stolas. I know your scared. I'm scared too. But I will be here with you this whole time. Nothing is gonna happen to either of us. Not on my watch."

The phone buzzes. I ignore it.

"Look at me. I promise, it's gonna be okay."

Through my fear, I didn't notice that he had started crying. Without another word, I hug him.


His embrace is slightly comforting, and helps to cover up the fact that I am frozen with fear.

My throat feels tight, and I can't speak. Hell, I can barely breathe. But his touch... helps.

"T-thank you, B-Blitzø."

Another buzz of the phone breaks our embrace. I reach for it, and Blitzø blocks my hand.

"Nope. You don't need any more emotional drain that you already have."

My heart races, terrified of what may be on that screen. All I want is for this all to be over. Even though it seems it has only just started.

Blitzø furiously types on the screen, and sighs.

"I bought us some time. It'll be okay, Stolas."


"Now. I'm gonna text Moxxie and Millie, make sure Loona is okay. I'm staying here."

"W-what? Blitzø, you don't need to—"

"They are more than capable of protecting themselves. A-and not that you aren't... but I have a feeling you don't want to be alone right now."

I don't know what to say. This nightmare may not be over, but maybe it won't be so scary with him here with me. I can't deny that.

"Okay. So... is there, like, anything you wanna talk about? Sorry, I'm no good at like... emotions..."

"Oh, Blitzø, you're plenty good at it."

A small smile appears on his lips.

"I think... I just want you here with me for now," I add.

Without another word, he nods. He cuddles up close to me, and rests his head on my shoulder. I lay my head on his.

Maybe this won't be so bad...


Wow, a new chapter so soon? I guess listening to music (and manifesting for Full Moon to come out) has got me in a Stolitz mood. Btw, if yall want some Stolitz-y songs, lmk! Not sure how soon I'll update, but I'll try to get the next part out soon. I know this is different from the normal chapters, but we will be returning to our regularly scheduled angst next chapter. Hope you enjoyed, see yall next time!

'Til Death do us Part // a Stolitz angst fanficWhere stories live. Discover now