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It had been a week since you received that random letter. However you haven't responded back yet, it's just been sitting on your kitchen counter. Right now you had just gotten home from school, relaxing on your bed as you chatted online with your friends.

It wasn't until you heard your doorbell ring that you put your phone down. You weren't expecting any visitors and your brother had keys to the house, he'd never ring the doorbell.

Curiously, you walk downstairs, cautiously. Checking the window next to the door before actually opening the door, you tried to see who it was but couldn't see them well. You sighed, realizing you'll actually have to open the door.

So you opened the door only a little, peeking your head outside. "Hello?"

"Ah, Y/n! Just the girl I wanted to see." The person who stood outside your door stood tall. After getting a good look at him, you realized it was the same strange man you saw at work; the one who ordered a bunch of sweets. You also remembered your friends telling you that was their teacher.

He must've noticed your quietness and spoke up once more. "Sorry for arriving here so abruptly, allow me to introduce mysel—"

"You're that guy from my cafe right? I served you..? What are you doing here.." you blurted out, opening the door a little more.

"Uh—yes, that's me. Have you received a letter from Jujutsu High?" He asked, putting his hands in his pockets. You only nodded. "Y'know not answering back is considered pretty rude.."

"Anyway, I was sent to personally confirm your answer. If you haven't caught on already, I'm a teacher there." The tall man further explained, only leaving you in more shock.

"Oh yeah now I remember, you're my friend's teacher.."

wait.... My friend's teacher...works at the school i got invited to...

You immediately let out a gasp, finally connecting the dots. Does this mean you could actually go to the same school as the friends you talk to through a screen every day??

The man only stood there, giving you a slightly confused and weird face as he watched you process the information.

"Wait—so you know Kugisaki and itadori and Fushiguro and Maki and Inumaki and Y—"

"Yes, yes, they are all my students." A smirk now plastered on the man's face. "So I've heard you are all good friends? You're all I ever hear them talking about these days."

"Oh really?" You couldn't help but smile at hearing that, definitely knowing you'll go to tease them about it later.

"Yupp. Anyway, we got a little off topic. Will you be joining our scho—"

"No she's not!!" A familiar voice suddenly interrupted your conversation, a voice you knew all too well. The man was so tall you hadn't even noticed your brother behind him, he must've overheard the conversation as he arrived back home from school.

"Shoya wh—" your words quickly drifted off as your brother quickly ran to you and hugged you, discarding his school bag on the floor.

"Y/n you're not going to that dumb school!" Your brother continued clinging to you, as if you were going to disappear at any moment. You looked back up at the white haired man who wore a shocked expression at your brother's outburst.

Then looking back down to your brother, you gently pat his head. "Shoya, is this about the dorms?...I'm sure they can arrange something..right?"

"Unfortunately...no. Dorms are a requirement for this school. I apologize, I wasn't aware your brother was so young." The white haired man only looked down at you and your brother, but you could tell he was deep in thought. "Y'know what....I'm sure I can take you both in! Last thing I'd wanna do is separate siblings—"

"Wait—really? Are you serious...what about the house? I have so many questions.." you mutter out. your brother finally letting go of you, though he still stood directly next to you.

"I'm afraid we won't have enough time, I have to go for a meeting— I'm already late. We can always arrange a meet up at the school where we will talk about all the other things that entail joining Jujutsu High. But I still need a confirmed answer, will you be joining our school?"

You took a second to look back down at your brother, who only gave you a moody face.
"As long as my brother can come, I'll join."


Which is also why this chapter is so short, but honestly I don't even know if I should continue this book anymore...

𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔 | 𝒀𝒖𝒕𝒂 𝑶.Where stories live. Discover now