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So here you now stood, in front of the tall building of Jujutsu high. Beside you stood your little brother and beside him was the tall white haired man you've come to know as Gojo.

"You two ready?" Gojo called out, looking down at us both. You and your brother only looked at eachother before nodding back at his question.

"Yeah, let's go.." you quickly mutter back, wiping your clammy hands on the new uniform you wore. It was simple, a navy blue skirt and jacket.

Gojo walked ahead of you two as you walked into the building. You were pretty nervous, although you're not sure why since you know basically all the students here. Gojo informed you that he hasn't told the other students about your transfer here yet, so it's going to be a surprise.

It wasn't long until your phone started to vibrate, you pull it out of your bag to be met with messages from the group chat.

(Group chat)

Yo have any of u guys see gojo

I swear he was here earlier😭

Wdym I swear I js saw him

I've been looking all morning
for him, he said he'd train me today

Oh I think I saw him leave this

To where..??

No way he has a life outside
of this sad school

That's not nice


Resting the messages cracked a small smile onto your face and before you knew it, you were lead into gojo's office.

"Alright! Y/n, here's your dorm keys. We'll go look at the dorms now since Nanami is running a little late..." Gojo rummaged through some of the drawers on his desk before finally handing you the keys.

"I thought you said this guy was responsible..." you question, taking the keys from him.

"He is I swear!! Maybe there's...traffic.. or something." The tall man brushed it off and then walked towards the door of his office. You only sighed as you followed along with your brother.

"Now, at this time I think all the students should be outside training, so after we look at your dorm we'll go meet th—"

"GOJO SENSEII!! AND...Y/N??" A loud shout could be heard from across the hallway, turning around you were met with none other than itadori. He quickly jogged to meet up closer with you.

"Ah, itadori! ...how nice of you to join us—" Gojo turned around to see who the voice belonged to, but he already knew.

"Wait you're wearing our uniform... WAITTTTT..." Itadori placed a hand on his chin until his eyes widened, almost like a lightbulb lit up. "No way...you're attending Jujutsu high?!?!?"

"Aha...surprise?" You nervously chuckled, although you've met itadori in person before it was a little different this time.

"Oh hey little guy!" Itadori tilted his head as he waved behind you. You didn't even notice the way your brother hid behind you, he must be nervous too.

You moved slightly to the side so that he could be seen better, but he only moved back behind you.
Itadori's face only twisted into a confused one,
To which you dismissed your brothers with a light giggle. "He gets shy sometimes"

A chuckle could be heard from the teacher who watched everything. "Alright alright, I'll explain everything later on once we meet up with everyone. I was just going to show her to her dorm room, you're welcome to join us."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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